Brazilian market receives news in the off-grid segment

In an interview with Canal Solar, the director of Minha Casa Solar commented on the launches for this year
22-02-21-canal-solar-Mercado brasileiro recebe novidades no segmento de off-grid em 2021

In an interview with Solar Channel, Luiz Felipe Melo, director of distributor Minha Casa Solar, announced some news for the photovoltaic sector in 2021. 

“We already have new Growatt inverters with transformers available for sale. These are off-grid equipment, aimed at severe, industrial applications. Such products are special as they have a useful life expectancy of more than ten years”, highlighted Melo, adding that the company is also launching a line of lithium batteries.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, the distributor of photovoltaic equipment grew, for example, by around 30% in 2020. The expectation is that in 2021 this number will be more significant.

“In the midst of Covid-19, we took the decision to multiply the capacity of our DC (Distribution Center) by four last year. This expansion plan was somewhat affected by the coronavirus, but we are prepared to grow a lot”, highlighted the executive.

“In terms of products in the line for connection to the grid, we have a portfolio that ranges from a premium product, such as a micro inverter to meet high efficiency demands, to more economical lines to serve that customer who has a product that is good but that It has a super competitive price”, he commented. 


Off-grid photovoltaic kit available from distributor Minha Casa Solar
Off-grid photovoltaic kit, with battery, available from Minha Casa Solar

Operation in the Brazilian photovoltaic market

Currently, the company has two service channels, aiming to serve different types of customers. “One arm is off-grid, which is mainly aimed at end consumers who need electricity where there is none. The second is for distribution, aimed at the integrator who wants to buy a solar system and install it for the end customer”, explained the company director. 

“We have the Minha Casa Solar store, aimed at the end consumer, and a budgeting and ordering platform for all integrators and installation professionals in the photovoltaic segment. Both have a background, with a telesales team. So, in the off-grid we have a specialized team and another exclusive team to provide equipment and grid connection solutions”, he concluded. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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