Photovoltaic market attracts increasingly younger audiences, says study

The research also highlighted an increase in the participation of less favored classes in access to distributed generation
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Photovoltaic systems are being accessed by an increasingly younger audience. This is what the new strategic study of DG (distributed generation) carried out by the consultancy Greener points out.

According to the survey, in 2017, approximately 22% of the public who purchased solar systems were under 50 years old. In the first half of 2020, the number of end customers who chose to invest in DG exceeded 55%.

“We have had a reduction in costs in recent years and an expansion in financing lines. So, we increasingly have the participation of young people, who are starting to look at this, looking at distributed generation as an investment opportunity. Furthermore, we have a public that also highly values sustainable renewable generation and this, consequently, contributes to their interest in photovoltaic systems”, explained Márcio Takata, director of Greener.

The research also highlighted an increase in the participation of less favored classes in access to distributed generation, which explains the natural process and maturation of the sector, according to the consultancy.

For Takata, the drop in prices for the end customer is an important factor in increasing the accessibility of photovoltaic systems. Although low, the acquisition rate by holders belonging to lower social groups has been growing in recent years.

“We have been analyzing the socio-economic profile of hundreds of consumers since 2017 and we noticed that the most favored classes are growing less. On the other hand, we follow this pattern of increase in the less favored classes”, commented the executive.

Residential profile

In addition to the socio-economic profile verified, the survey showed that 74% of companies integrating the solar market stated that residential customers were those who showed the most interest in purchasing a photovoltaic system in the first half of 2020.

In second place are essential businesses, such as markets and pharmacies (40%), followed by rural properties (18%) and industries (8%).

About the study

Greener interviewed more than 2,000 integrator companies between May 21 and June 30, in addition to 410 end users and 33 developers of large DG plants. The consultancy estimates that there are 14,200 integrating companies in the photovoltaic sector. To see the complete survey, Click here.


Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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