Free market generates savings of R$ 41 billion for consumers in 2022

In 20 years, the segment provided R$ 339 billion in accumulated spending reduction, points out Abraceel
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According to data from Embraceel (Brazilian Association of Energy Traders), the free market generated savings of R$ 41 billion in electricity spending in 2022, a result driven by a average monthly consumption of 24,503 MWmed, an unprecedented volume in the history of demand by free consumers.

Furthermore, they pointed out that the segment has already provided accumulated gains of R$ 339 billion to consumers who are authorized to participate in this contracting environment, where prices for purchasing electricity were, on average, 49% lower last year in relation to the average price charged in the captive market.

At the moment, only 31 thousand consumer units, equivalent to 0.03% of the total 89 million energy consuming units in the country, can choose the energy supplier. Each unit is equivalent to an electricity meter.

According to Abraceel, this amount of resources saved should begin to grow more rapidly from 2024, as from January 1, 2024, all high voltage energy consumers will be authorized to choose their own supplier. This group is made up of 106 thousand consumers, with monthly bills above R$ 10 thousand.

“These consumers will be competed for by dozens of companies that will compete for their energy bill, offering not only lower prices, but services associated with electricity management to increase the flexibility and productivity of these customers’ operations”, explained Rodrigo Ferreira , executive president of Abraceel.

For the Association, the complete opening of the electricity market in Brazil It is a microeconomic reform that has been delayed for almost 20 years and should be seen as a public policy to structurally reduce electricity prices in the country, including for the low-income population.

“When legislation gives effect to the right for all energy consumers to choose their supplier and be able to migrate to the free market, this will cause an efficiency shock in economic activity similar to what occurred when telephony became accessible to everyone”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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