Half of Brazilians who want to have solar energy are from classes C and D

Interest in installing PV systems occurs due to the constant high value of the electricity bill
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Metade dos brasileiros que querem ter energia solar são das classes C e D
Photo: Elysia Solar Energy/Reproduction

One research carried out by BV Bank revealed that seven out of ten Brazilians Have you ever thought about installing solar energy? in their homes, and half of them belong to economic classes C and D. 

O reason for this, according to the study, occurs in reason for the constant high values in the electricity bill – an expense that could be reduced with the installation of photovoltaic panels, even with the application of the new compensation rules introduced by Law 14,300.

“The country's economic crisis impacts the lives of both classes (C and D) even more as they have lower purchasing power. However, the electricity bill still affects a considerable portion of the monthly income of Brazilian families”, assessed the research. 

According to IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research), the increase in electricity bill due to inflation there is a direct effect on the lives of the low-income population, which stops using its resources to pay increasingly more for the use of electricity. 

Thinking about reducing costs, this public has become interested in installing photovoltaic energy panels.

According to Banco BV, the savings generated by solar panels are sufficient to offset installation investments and promote profitability, as the payback is compensated within a period of three to five years.

For Marcelo Macri, CEO of Energy Brasil, given Brazil's current economic challenge, invest in renewable energy, especially in solar, and the best alternative.

''Photovoltaic energy can reduce the electricity bill by up to 95%, whether in residential, commercial or industrial properties. Furthermore, it guarantees 25 years of energy production,” he said.

A situation observed by Banco BV it's the same already also identified by other research – which only reveals that the support of a large part of the population for installing solar energy systems in their homes has been a long-standing desire. 

Even more accessible technology

Second Ricardo Mello, specialist in business management and ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, at translation of the acronym in English), Expected that in the coming years more Brazilians from different economic conditions have access to solar sources.

According to him, it will happen not only because the country has one of the most expensive electricity bills on the planet, but, yes, because investments at the source have been increasing – reducing the cost of technology and making it more accessible to audiences with lower purchasing power.

“In the private sector we already have many initiatives taking place, such as research and new companies and franchises being created across the country (…) Not long ago, the efficiency of photovoltaic cells was around 20%, and today some already surpass the 30%", he said. 

“For now, it is normal for middle-class and higher-income consumers to be the ones who install photovoltaic energy on their roofs the most. However, the boom in solar energy is yet to come and, in a short time, it will be increasingly normal to see lower-income consumers with solar panels installed in their homes”, he stated.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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