MG exempts ICMS on imports of solar energy generation equipment

ICMS exemption measure is also valid for products from the wind sector
MG zera tributo de importação para geração de energia solar
The State assesses that the change will attract more investment in renewable projects in the state. Photo: Elements

Occupying the first position in the national ranking of installed power in solar DG (distributed generation), with 1.3 GW — 18% of national photovoltaic energy production —, the solar market in Minas Gerais should heat up even more. 

This is because Decree No. 48,296/2021 was published last week, granting exemption from ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) on import operations of equipment and components for the generation of solar and wind energy. 

According to the government of Minas Gerais, the measure mainly aims to guarantee projects installed in Minas Gerais territory access to good component suppliers, in addition to those that already exist in the state, improving competitiveness in this market.

Gustavo Pontello, Investment Promotion analyst at Minas Gerais Investment and Foreign Trade Promotion Agency, highlights that the change comes to meet requests from the sector, as the legislation did not cover import operations, but only internal and interstate operations.

He also assesses that the change will attract more investment in renewable projects in the state. “There are projects that can use hundreds of thousands or millions of solar panels, which require a number of components that the domestic market is often unable to deliver. The decree was received with great enthusiasm by the sector. People are very interested in investing in solar and wind energy generation in Minas and will certainly consolidate these interests after the measure”, he states.

The news was well received by Bruno Catta Preta, commercial director of Genyx Solar and coordinator of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) in Minas Gerais. “The publication of the decree reinforces the commitment of the Minas Gerais government to continue encouraging solar energy in the Minas Gerais territory. I often say that Minas is the locomotive of solar energy in Brazil and now, with the publication of the decree that made the rules clearer, it will certainly help to further boost the development of the solar sector, which generates quality jobs in several areas”, comments.

“The legislation did not clearly define that the equipment was exempt, which created a lot of insecurity for those involved. In Minas, companies interested in developing their activities linked to solar energy find a very attractive environment, as we have an excellent solarimetric index, large availability of land, we have equipment distributors, input manufacturers and companies specializing in installations. In short, a complete range of options”, he adds.

For lawyer Marina Meyer, the decision comes to simplify and strengthen the segment in the state. “In short, the new text establishes that the exit or entry of equipment or components intended for the use of solar and wind energy will not be taxed by ICMS”, he explains.

“It is worth highlighting that the exemption promoted through State Decree No. 48,296/2021 is the result of great pressure exerted by the Minas Gerais distributed generation market, given that the legislation did not clearly define which equipment and/or components counted, or not with the ICMS exemption, which implied significant legal uncertainty for entrepreneurs”, he adds.

Lawyer Marcelo Tanos Naves, specialist in Regulatory Law and Energy Law, lists the factors that motivated the state to make the exemption decision. “State Decree No. 48,296/2021 is also the result of the State of Minas Gerais's manifest interest in propagating distributed generation on Minas Gerais soil, reinforcing the State's national leadership in photovoltaic energy generation and attracting more investments for this type of generation of electrical energy”, he highlights.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

2 Responses

  1. The attitude of Minas Gerais towards GD is EXCELLENT. While Minas is at the forefront of GD, Bahia is a disgrace, the concessionaire relies on delays, obstacles in the release of access reports, creates all kinds of difficulties, and manages to halt the expansion of GD in the state. Neither the government nor the legislature takes any position to change this situation.
    Congratulations Minas, who exempted the ICMS charge on GD, that is, up to 5MV.
    Who is the ABSOLAR representative in Bahia, who does not act in favor of GD?

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