MME announces mineral extraction program to generate clean energy

New program is expected to be launched in the second half of this year, said Alexandre Silveira 
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Energia solar Canal Solar MME anuncia programa de extração de minérios para geração de energia limpa
Photo: MME/Disclosure

The minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, announced this Wednesday (21), in conversation with journalists, the launch of a program to encourage extraction of useful ores for the energy transition.

Called “Mining for Clean Energy”, the new program is expected to be released at the second half this year and will seek encourage the extraction of minerals that are used by sustainable energy ventures, as batteries for electric vehicles.

“There will be tax incentives and we already have them in place. We are now finishing discussing the inclusion of critical minerals for the issuance of incentivized debentures”, said Silveira.

“This will boost the sustainable and safe mining that we want to promote, in addition to creating criteria so that we can have a more detailed and effective assessment on the issue of mining safety,” he added.

Debentures are nothing more than debt securities that companies issue to finance their projects. When they are encouraged, it means that there is an exemption from income tax for individuals, that is, there is a tax incentive

The minister also stated that the next debentures to be launched by the Federal Government will feature the policy to encourage the mineral transformation of Pasta.

For Silveira, Brazil has a “window of opportunity” to encourage and use critical minerals for the energy transition and encourage national industry.

“This mining will obviously survive in the new economy, which is the green economy, with the energy transition and sustainable production. Brazil cannot continue to be a country seen as an exporter of commodities”, he declared.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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