MME meets with ABHIC to discuss the future of H2V in Brazil

During a meeting, entities addressed the need to establish the Regulatory Framework for the Hydrogen Industry
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11-08-23-canal-solar-MME reúne-se com ABHIC para tratar sobre o futuro do H2V no Brasil
Investments in green hydrogen are increasing in Brazil. Photo: Freepik

A ABHIC (Brazilian Hydrogen and Sustainable Fuels Association) met, on an official agenda this Monday (07), with the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) to deal with the future of H2V (green hydrogen) in Brazil.

During the meeting, ABHIC addressed the need to establishment of the Hydrogen Industry Regulatory Framework, essential to provide legal security for investments.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy presented information on improvement of the regulatory process in which the recognition of hydrogen as the energy of the future stands out, but which has challenges to be overcome, such as the consolidation of technology and reduction of implementation costs.

The MME also informed that the event “Expanded Meeting with the Private Hydrogen Sector” will be held, where an alignment on ongoing actions within the scope of the National Hydrogen Program PNH2 will be held on August 16th.


The Brazilian Association of Hydrogen and Sustainable Fuels is a national, non-profit entity, whose mission is to implement and optimize the market, technological and regulatory conditions necessary for the development of hydrogen and sustainable fuels in Brazil.

ABHIC represents not only H2V companies, but also organizations that work with Grey, Brown and Blue Hydrogen, that is, companies that use hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, but that are committed to carrying out the energy transition to sustainable economy through H2V.

This entity is a partner of DWV (German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association), which has worked for a sustainable hydrogen industry since 1996 in Germany, the largest hydrogen consumer market in the world.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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