Electric mobility drives battery market worldwide

Segment contributes to reducing the costs of storage systems, both off-grid and on-grid
08-09-21-canal-solar-Mobilidade elétrica impulsiona mercado de baterias no mundo

The adoption of EVs (electric vehicles) continues to increase around the world. According to British consultancy Wood Mackenzie, more than 950 million will be on the roads over the next 30 years. To achieve this, it is estimated that around 74 million units will be sold per year by 2050.

Amid this growth scenario, the battery market ends up benefiting consequently. This is what Adalberto Maluf, director of marketing and sustainability at BYD, said.

This is because, according to him, there is the possibility of using the same battery cell for vehicles and storage projects, as is done by BYD. 

“The growth of electric mobility contributes significantly to reducing the costs of energy storage systems, both off-grid and on-grid”, highlighted the executive.

“Sales of 100% battery electrics grew by around 150% in the first half of 2021 in China, the United States and Europe, increasing the scale of lithium battery development and projecting production price reductions in the short and medium term,” he added. 

Read more: PM in the capital of São Paulo begins using electric vehicles on patrol

This expansion trend is already being seen in manufacturers, such as Dyness, which is increasing battery production capacity in its factory located in China. “For a factory in Brazil, we are analyzing it,” said Allen Lei, the company’s commercial director.

Read more: Battery market in the world and its main trends

Therefore, according to Maluf, due to the growth in the sale of EVs in Brazil and around the world, it is becoming increasingly important to create a framework that allows the electric vehicle to be the center of the revolution for the smart grid. 

“Thus, it can be used as a small energy storage battery to charge overnight and then, during peak hours, remove homes and businesses from the grid. In other words, it is an important way to voluntarily reduce electricity consumption during peak hours”, he concluded. 

Mercedes-Benz bets on the battery market

The company that is also investing in the storage market is Mercedes-Benz, which has signed a cooperation with GROB-WERKE for the industrial production of batteries – which will include nine factories on three continents. 

“With Mercedes, in close coordination and in the spirit of Design for Manufacturing, we will prepare the development and construction of the highly specialized machining lines,” said German Wankmiller, Executive Chairman of GROB. 

“The cooperation is also a logical continuation of a long-standing collaboration with Mercedes and underlines the strong partnership that has existed for years. Now also in the field of innovative installation concepts for modules and battery packs”, he highlighted. 

With the agreement, the automaker will have support in expanding its battery production capacity – to be used in Mercedes-EQ vehicles from 2025. The company's goal is to become fully electric before the end of the decade. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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