Half-cell photovoltaic modules

Find out about half-cell technology and how it can enhance energy generation
Saiba o que são os módulos fotovoltaicos half-cell

The technology half-cell consists of building photovoltaic modules with cells cut in half. Instead of traditional square cells, rectangular cells are used.

What is achieved with this are more efficient modules with approximately the same dimensions and the same cost as a common module.

Furthermore, cells with reduced dimensions suffer less mechanical stress, being less subject to the origination of microcracks (micro cracks), one of the main causes of reduced efficiency and useful life of photovoltaic modules.

Cells are already supplied cut in half by cell manufacturers. For module manufacturers, the production process with cells half-cell It is very similar to that of common cells, with only small adjustments required to supply the production lines with one type of cell or another.

Figura 1: Módulo fotovoltaico com células cortadas ao meio (half-cell) com as mesmas dimensões de um módulo comum. Fonte: Vikram Solar
Figure 1: Photovoltaic module with cells cut in half (half-cell) with the same dimensions as a common module. Source: Vikram Solar

Rectangular (rather than square) solar cells are not new to the family of polycrystalline modules. The innovation that has only now reached the market are modules based on monocrystalline cells half-cell.

While polycrystalline cells can already be manufactured in a rectangular shape, monocrystalline cells (because of the crystalline ingot manufacturing process) can only be manufactured in a square (or originally circular) shape.

To product half-cells rectangular cells it is necessary to use a process to cut the square cell, which is not so simple. Cutting can be done by mechanical or laser processes.

The TLS laser cutting method (Laser Thermal Separation) allows cells to divide without virtually any mechanical damage.

Figura 2: Módulos poli e monocristalinos half-cell
Figure 2: Half-cell poly and monocrystalline modules

Several manufacturers are offering modules with 144 cells, which are the half-cell of traditional 72-cell modules.

The most efficient modules found commercially today, surpassing 20%, are the mono-PERC with cells half-cell bifacials.

144 or 72 cell modules are very similar, with very similar mechanical and electrical characteristics. What do you gain from half-cells it is an increase in the efficiency of the module, as we will explain below.

Increased efficiency

Cells cut in half produce half the electrical current of a conventional cell, since electrical power depends on the square of the current.

With half the current circulating in each cell, the ohmic losses in the electrical terminals and contacts and in the cells themselves are reduced to 1/4 of the original losses, as the module's ohmic loss becomes P = R (i/2)2 = laugh2/4, whereas originally the losses would be P = Ri2, assuming that the ohmic resistances present in the modules are approximately the same for both types of cells.

Increasing module efficiency half-cell it is also higher due to the spacing between the cells, which increases optical efficiency by allowing greater scattering of the light that falls on the cells.

Figura 3: A corrente elétrica é reduzida à metade nas células half-cell, possibilitando menores perdas ôhmicas
Figure 3: Electric current is reduced by half in half-cell cells, enabling lower ohmic losses

Shadow tolerance

Modules half-cell have greater shadow tolerance than traditional modules. The figure below shows what can happen in two different modules (half-cell and standard) when subject to the same shadow.

The division of cells into a greater number of groups, as occurs in modules half-cell, allows you to decouple the effect of shadows when they fall on only certain parts of the modules (partial shadows).

Figura 4: O efeito das sombras parciais é menos impactante nos módulos half-cell. Fonte: ABSOLAR
Figure 4: The effect of partial shadows is less impactful on half-cell modules

Thermal performance

In conventional photovoltaic modules there is a single junction box that contains several electrical connections and typically houses three diodes bypass.

With the distribution of circuits of a module half-cell, as we see in the figure below, it is necessary to distribute the bypass rather than confining them to a single box.

The presence of multiple junction boxes (junction box) also ends up being a positive aspect, as this reduces localized heating caused by the presence of junction box.

Experiments show that the temperature of the module junction boxes half-cell could be 15OC to 20OC smaller than that found in the single junction box of conventional modules.

Figura 5: Módulo half-cell com três caixas de junção na parte traseira. Isso é necessário para alojar os diodos de bypass, que devem ficar nessas posições por serem compartilhados pelos circuitos das duas metades dos módulos. Essa distribuição de caixas de junção tem um impacto positivo no comportamento térmico do módulo
Figure 5: Half-cell module with three junction boxes on the back. This is necessary to house the bypass diodes, which must be in these positions as they are shared by the circuits of both halves of the modules. This distribution of junction boxes has a positive impact on the thermal behavior of the module

The reduction in the current flowing through the ohmic resistances, also halved in each half cell, causes heat dissipation to be reduced.

In the event of hot spots, a phenomenon that arises when there is reverse current circulating through the modules, the temperature rise will be reduced, reducing the risk of damage to the modules or fires.

In general, the circulation of currents of reduced intensity improves the thermal performance of the module overall, not only with regard to reverse current, but also during normal operation.

Figura 6: O uso de células half-cell possibilita a redução da temperatura global de operação do módulo, o que consequentemente aumenta a eficiência da conversão fotovoltaica. Fonte: Trina DuoMax Twin Brochure
Figure 6: The use of half-cell cells makes it possible to reduce the overall operating temperature of the module, which consequently increases the efficiency of photovoltaic conversion. Source: Trina DuoMax Twin Brochure

Features of commercial modules

In the table below we see the STC characteristics (Stardard Test Condition) and NOCT (Nominal Operating Cell Temperature) of a commercial photovoltaic module.

The output voltages and currents are approximately the same (i.e., of the same order of magnitude) as would be found in a conventional module.

If all the half cells were in series, the module would have twice the voltage of a common module, with half the current.

However, as we saw previously, the cells cut in half are grouped into two parallel sets within the module, each with 72 half cells in series (in the 144 cell module) which makes the total voltage and current (obtained in the module terminals) are compatible with those of conventional modules.

The table also reveals the module's low thermal coefficient (-0.36%/OC) compared to conventional modules (typically above -0.38%/OW).

Table 1: STC and NOCT characteristics of Jinko's Cheetah HC 72M modules


Picture of Marcelo Villalva
Marcelo Villalva
Specialist in photovoltaic systems. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) at UNICAMP. Coordinator of LESF - Energy and Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory at UNICAMP. Author of the book "Photovoltaic Solar Energy - Concepts and Applications".

One Response

  1. In an increase in energy generation in a Photovoltaic system where the majority of panels are (8), I can increase by (4), in the same string respecting the Voc and Vmp limits of the inverter.

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