Municipality provides R$ 26 million to families who want to have solar energy

Itaipulândia (PR) has already made R$ 12 million available to 991 families in 2022
Município disponibiliza R$ 26 mi às famílias que querem ter energia solar
Residents interested in receiving the benefit must take their documentation to the Tancredo Neves Municipal Palace Auditorium. Photo: Reproduction

The municipality of Itaipulândia (PR) must invest, by the end of this year, R$ 14 million in solar energy in the local economy through the Luz Solar Para Todos program.

The initiative, created by the Municipal Administration last year, aims to serve more than a thousand families. In 2022, R$ 12 million has already been made available through the program.

“Our goal is to reach 100% of families eligible to receive the benefit, by 2024. We have already seen a return in the quality of life of families who can now buy an air conditioner, sleep better, use the money from their electricity bill to invest at home and have a better quality of life”, highlighted Cleide Prates, mayor of Itaipulândia.

Solar Light for All Program

The program emerged in 2022 after being recommended by the Executive Branch to the Chamber of Councilors and having been unanimously approved by the Legislature.

“The project emerged after technical studies and feasibility analysis. The objective is to help those who need it most. Many people in our city would like to have air conditioning or a heater but cannot because the electricity bill is increasingly expensive. Consuming energy in a cheap and sustainable way improves the population’s quality of life”, explains Cleide.

In 2022, at the beginning of the program, each family received R$ 13,362 thousand for the installation of photovoltaic systems. The benefit was financed by the Federal Government, through the Public Power’s non-refundable fund.

The initiative also includes those who already have the installation, with a contribution of R$ 9,432.00 for the expansion.

This year, according to the city hall, the expectation is to serve more than a thousand families, with an incentive of R$ 14,144 thousand for the installation of new projects and R$ 9,984 thousand for expansion.

How to participate in the program?

Residents interested in receiving the benefit must take the documentation to the Tancredo Neves Municipal Palace Auditorium, located at R. São Miguel do Iguaçu, 1891 – Centro, Itaipulândia – PR, 85880-000.

The city hall highlights that to be entitled to the benefit, it is necessary to prove two years of residence in the municipality and be the owner of the property.

The list of required documents can be found by clicking here. More information can be obtained by calling (45) 3559-8000.

Presence of solar

Currently, the city has 10.69 MW of installed power in solar DG, with around 1.2 thousand photovoltaic systems and more than 1.4 thousand UCs (Consumer Units) receiving credits, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency ).

In 2021, before the implementation of the program, Itaipulândia recorded the installation of 203 photovoltaic systems. In 2022, the year in which the program came into operation, the number of photovoltaic systems installed more than tripled, recording the number of 775 installations.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

One Response

  1. I'm happy that a municipality is really interested in the well-being of its citizens, something rare in Brazil. However, those interested must be careful, as it is authorized by ANEEL that distribution companies charge a fee, and we all know, it is always absurd, on the energy produced by the user of their electrical network. Only those who opt for the Offgrid system, which is not connected to the electricity grid, are exempt from these fees.

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