Neoenergia opens public call for energy efficiency projects

The rules comply with the determinations of the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program)

The Neoenergia Group has public calls for energy efficiency projects open for four Brazilian states, in the regions served by the concessionaires Coelba (BA), Celpe (PE), Cosern (RN) and Elektro (SP/MS). The rules comply with the determinations of the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program), regulated by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

According to the company, approximately R$ 41.4 million will be made available to selected projects that meet the criteria established in the notices. The selected initiatives can be implemented throughout 2021.

In Bahia, the resources from the public call will be allocated to projects that aim to improve the installation and generation of photovoltaic solar energy, with R$ 7 million for the industrial sector, R$ 500 thousand for public services and R$ 1 million for commerce and services.

In addition, around R$ 2 million will also be made available for improving the installation of condominiums, around R$ 1.5 million for government buildings and approximately R$ 1 million for public lighting. According to the notice, projects must have a minimum contribution of R$ 200 thousand.

Celpe's notice envisages investments of up to R$ 5.2 million in the industrial sector; R$ 1.2 million in public services; and R$ 1 million in commerce and services, with the aim of improving the installation of solar energy.

As for Cosern, the values for projects are R$ 1.5 million for industrial, R$ 500 thousand for commerce and services, R$ 1 million for condominiums and R$ 1 million for public buildings. While at Elektro it will be R$ 7 million. Condominiums will have R$ 2 million; commerce and services, R$ 1 million, and public services, R$ 500 thousand.

Proposals can be sent until January 13, 2021. Consumers from public authorities, commerce and services, public services, public and industrial lighting, who are up to date with their concessionaires, can register. Registration must be made on the distributors' websites: It is

For Ana Christina Mascarenhas, energy efficiency manager at Neoenergia, public calls should encourage more efficient use of energy, with sustainable practices. “The public call makes the process of choosing projects included in the Energy Efficiency Program even more transparent and democratic”, he stated.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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