Neoenergia invests R$ 124 million in energy efficiency in 2022

In the last four years, contributions from the company's distributors grew by 188%
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03-02-23-canal-solar-Neoenergia investe R$ 124 milhões em eficiência energética em 2022
Neoenergia is betting on the installation of solar plants. Photo: Freepik

A Neoenergia invested more than R$ 124 million, in 2022, to promote the efficient use of electrical energya in the concession areas of the five distributors – Coelba (BA), Pernambuco (PE), Cosern​ (RN), Elektro (SP and MS) and Brasília (DF).

The value represents a increase of 28,12%, when compared with the total invested in the previous year (R$ 96.7 million), and 188% in the last four years. The resources were allocated through the Energy Efficiency Program, regulated by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

“We prioritize projects that impact public authorities, populations in popular communities and non-profit institutions”, stated Ana Mascarenhas, superintendent of Energy Efficiency at Neoenergia.

“In addition, we look for initiatives that can contribute to the preservation and decarbonization of the environment by reducing the electricity consumption of various consumers. We have made an important leap in recent years and we want to continue investing in these actions that are so relevant to the energy transition”, he added.

In total, Neoenergia replaced more than 700,000 lamps with LEDs for low-income residential customers and more than 143,000 in institutions serving the distributors' regions, in addition to installing four 242.78 kWp photovoltaic systems, being organized in Bahia.

The concessionaire also replaced 5,770 old refrigerators, the majority of which were for families affected by the rains in the Northeast; others were donated to consumers in an isolated community with microgrid generation in Remanso (BA) and to people served by the homecare program.

Other data

According to company, more than 1,149 public and assistance buildings, such as schools and health units, received efficiency actions. The institutions had more than 286 thousand light bulbs replaced and received the installation of 35 solar plants, totaling 2.6 MWp. More than 24 thousand public lighting points also received LED equipment in 45 municipalities in Neoenergia's concession areas.

Seeking to expand consumer access to solar energy, the company granted a 50% discount on the installation of photovoltaic systems in 437 homes in the areas where Neoenergia Coelba, Pernambuco, Cosern and Elektro operate, reaching 1.6 MWp.

There was also the execution of the efficiency project for sanitation companies in units of Embasa Feira de Santana (BA), Compesa Salgueiro (PE), SAAE Pirassununga (SP), with the replacement of 4 engines.

Neoenergia recycled more than 1,600 tons of waste through Vale Luz, a project that offers discounts on energy bills through the exchange of recyclable waste, such as paper, glass, plastic and electronic products.

In 2022, the company discounted around R$ 785 thousand on the invoices of more than 37 thousand consumers from the three distributors in the Northeast and installed more than 115 thousand LED lamps for customers in the region.

Energy meters and educational projects

To guide conscious consumption, the company is installing energy meters that collect and make data available on a platform so that consumers can monitor their expenses in real time.

In March, the company entered into a partnership with Smartiks and began the approval process with Anatel for the manufacture and supply of equipment. The first batch was delivered in November, with 100 units of the technology. The installations will begin this year, with registrations opening through the distributors' website for a thousand consumers.

“We also believe that changing habits occurs through awareness, driven by educational projects in public schools and distance learning. Last year, more than 15 thousand teachers and 484 thousand students were trained on the efficient use of electricity in the distributors' concession areas”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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