Influence levels are expected to increase towards the end of the month

South Region presents the most expressive percentage with 127% from MLT, highlights ONS
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Região Sul apresenta o percentual mais expressivo com 127% da MLT, destaca ONS
The scenario is for an increase for ENA at the end of the month, compared to the first projection for April. Photo: Cemig/Disclosure

He was released on the last Friday (05) the report card of PMO (Monthly Operation Program), referent The week operational between days 6 The 12 in April. Second O ONS (National Electrical System Operator), the scenario it's from elevation to the AND ON (Affluent Natural Energy) to the Final of month, at comparison with the first projection for April.

According to the Operator, the South region presents the most significant percentage with 127% of MLT (Long Term Average), compared to 67% of MLT presented in the last edition.

ENA also has prospects for advancement in the Southeast/Central-West, with 84%; in the Northeast, with 66% from MLT; and for the North, the estimate is 87% from MLT.

“Despite the most positive indications, the outlook is below the historical average for the period in three subsystems,” stated the ONS.

The EAR (Stored Energy) estimates for the end of April are higher than those released in the initial review for the month, with all subsystems expected to exceed 65%.

The North region highlights a higher percentage, with 96.9%; for the Northeast region the estimate is 77.8%; for the Southeast/Mid-West, with 75%; and the South, with 69.1%.

“As mentioned in recent weeks, the ONS has been proposing measures to maintain favorable reservoir conditions, an important factor in ensuring load and power demands are met throughout the year,” stated the Operator.

Projections continue to indicate growth in load demand both in the SIN (National Interconnected System) and in all subsystems.

Growth in SIN is expected to reach 8.1% (80,013 MW). Among the subsystems, the greatest acceleration is expected in the Northeast, with 10.3% (13,455 MW); followed by the South, with 10% (13,862MW); Southeast/Central-West, with 7.1%% (45,182 MW), and for the North it is 6.7% (7,514 MW).

“The numbers are comparisons between the estimates for April 2024 and those seen in the same period in 2023,” stated the ONS.

The CMO (Marginal Operating Cost) is at R$ 7.90 in the Southeast/Mid-West and the South. For the Northeast and North regions, the CMO is at R$ 7.77.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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