Stored energy levels expected to close March above 80%

Scenarios for Affluent Natural Energy exceed 100% in two regions, points out ONS
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06-03-23-canal-solar-Níveis de energia armazenada devem fechar março acima de 80%
Regarding load, the indications are of growth in the SIN and in three subsystems. Photo: Freepik

The bulletin of Monthly Operation Program (PMO), referring to the operating week between March 4th and 10th, maintains the good prospects to the levels of Stored Energy (EAR) at the end of this month.

According to the National Electric System Operator (ONS), three subsystems are expected to reach levels above 80%. For the Northeast and South, projections indicate growth in the EAR compared to last week's revision: 88.8% (86.4%) and 85.1% (83.4%), respectively.

The Southeast/Central-West should reach 84.5%. If the data is confirmed, it will be the highest indicator in the region in March since 2007 (87.3%). Finally, for the North the possibility is to reach 62.5%.

Estimates for Influent Natural Energy (ENA) are volumes greater than 100% of the Long Term Average (MLT) in two subsystems: North, with 112% from MLT, and South, with 103% from MLT. The ENA forecast for the Southeast/Central-West is 98% from MLT and for the Northeast 51% from MLT.

According to the ONS, the Marginal Operating Cost (CMO) has been reduced to zero for the eleventh consecutive week and remains equal throughout the country.

Regarding load, the indications are of growth in the National Interconnected System (SIN) and in three subsystems. The SIN can register an advance of 0.3% (75,228 MWmed). The same upward behavior is also expected for the North, 13.5% (6,495 MWmed); the Northeast, 3.1% (11,929 MWmed); and the South, 1.9% (13,338 MWmed).

This pattern of probable load expansion for the SIN and the aforementioned submarkets had also been presented in the previous review. For the Southeast/Central-West, the prospect is for a reduction of 2.6% (43,526 MWmed). The data compares the percentage estimated for the end of March 2023 compared to the same period last year.

The load forecasts had as premises, among other points, the forecasts of maintaining high temperatures in the capitals of the Southeast/Central-West and South, and, with this, the greater use of refrigeration devices. For the capitals of the Northeast and North subsystems, the expectation is stability, in relation to the temperatures recorded in recent days.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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