Does after-sales generate new sales?

See the reasons for the solar sector to dedicate itself to after-sales strategies
O pós-vendas gera novas vendas
Positive customer feedback has immeasurable value, especially in the solar energy segment

After-sales is a set of strategies dedicated to maintaining the brand's relationship with the customer after a purchase. When well executed, after-sales not only guarantees new customer loyalty, but also encourages them to promote your service.

This way, a single hire can generate new customer referrals and a greater flow of sales, all through positive comments about the experience. Despite so much potential, companies still focus time and resources solely on strategies to win new customers.

According to data from a report from the Sebrae published by FecomercioSP, 85% of Brazilian companies do not carry out any after-sales actions. Considering that the journey to acquiring a new customer can cost 5 to 7 times more than keeping a current one (according to Philip Kotler), ignoring the importance of after-sales is synonymous with loss.

Thinking specifically about the photovoltaic solar energy sector, this is the best time to implement after-sales strategies. This year 2022 promises to be one of the best for the photovoltaic segment, after all, the GD Legal Framework (distributed generation) presents changes that will make customers gradually accept the payment of tariffs on the distribution of renewable energy.

Anyone who installs their solar system by the end of 2022 will have the benefits extended until 2045. Therefore, the Brazilian distributed generation market should expect a jump in new customers this year. While many companies will only focus on attracting, few will think long term and take care to retain the new audience. Today, I will talk about the importance of loyalty and the benefits that after-sales in the solar sector can bring to your company.

Benefits of providing quality after-sales

Firstly, the most impactful benefit of well-executed after-sales is savings. Your client is already familiar with your proposal and services, and the simple fact of not having to present your company from scratch is already a saving of time and resources.

The numbers don't lie either. A study on the Importance of Retaining Consumers Online revealed that a simple increase of 5% in customer retention can increase the company's profits by between 25% and 125%. Furthermore, positive customer feedback has immeasurable value, especially in the solar energy segment.

Just remember that solar energy projects are designed for a long period of time, estimated at around 25 to 30 years, and the project installation service needs to be of a high level to guarantee the best functioning of the system, since the objective of solar energy customers means savings on their energy bills, so they will be much more satisfied if they see the savings generated by the system from an early age.

Generating a good experience for your customers goes beyond strengthening the perception of value about your service. These customers will recommend your work, buy more and renew complementary services more frequently.

Exceed customer expectations

To achieve all the after-sales benefits, your objective must always be to exceed each customer's expectations from the moment the installation contract is signed. No matter how much the customer has used the photovoltaic system for decades, it is never too early to start structuring their strategy.

Anticipating events, whether technical or financial, will ensure that you maximize the positive effects perceived by the customer, and of course, minimize the negative ones. After all, in these 25 years of use, the system will require maintenance, and the less this appears to be an inconvenience to the customer, the better.

One idea to anticipate the need for maintenance is to sign a prior contract for this service. You can offer different packages for different customer profiles, including cleaning, maintenance of plants or even a sales referral program for friends, where the customer can receive these services for free, if a sale is made, thus generating a recurring revenue for the company and making life easier for the consumer.

Offering performance guarantees and system monitoring are also excellent options that build a better consumer experience. These strategies inspire much more confidence in the service, even if the customer can monitor it alone through applications. The convenience of having fewer system concerns will be remembered by the customer.

It is worth noting that after-sales is not just about these technical aspects of the service. Maintaining an open channel for communication with the consumer, and showing constant concern for monitoring customer satisfaction are essential strategies for good after-sales.

Promoting satisfaction surveys (NPS, feedback and others), relationship processes (sending reports, gifts and others), and offering complementary services according to the customer's needs are great ways to exceed expectations. This is how you will be able to understand, quantify and qualify the customer's perception of your service, always maintaining a close relationship.

Receive good leads for new sales

When designing your after-sales processes, this positive experience generated for customers will return in the form of recommendations to sell more and better. Those who come by referral already approach your company with a good impression, and thus, they also arrive with a much greater willingness to learn the details of your services and close the contract more quickly.

Taking into account the EPE (Energy Research Company) estimate that we will reach a total of 1.035 million consumers of photovoltaic systems by 2027, adding investments of R$60 billion in the market, investing in after-sales now is the best attitude that your company can take. Even if it is necessary to invest in hiring people responsible to monitor Customer Success closely, the strategy will still be highly profitable.

So, make the most of 2022 and start your after-sales actions now. Talking to your customers is a step you can take right now, and the sooner you understand their needs, the sooner you will be able to surprise and retain each one. If the competition already exists and will become increasingly fierce, anticipate a positive experience. It will be remembered, commented on, and of course: converted into sales.

Picture of Gustavo Tegon
Gustavo Tegon
Graduated in International Business and with an MBA in Management and Business from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. With extensive experience in distributed generation, he led manufacturers BYD, Jinko and Canadian Solar in Brazil. He is currently Institutional Director at BelEnergy.

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