'The solar photovoltaic sector is the hot topic', says director of Genyx

Executive commented that the Brazilian market will have large investments in 2021
12-02-2021-canal-solar-'O setor solar fotovoltaico é a bola da vez', diz diretor da Genyx

“Bet on photovoltaics. It’s the ball of the moment.” This is the statement of André Carvalho, Director of Operations at the distributor Genyx. 

During his participation in the Papo Solar podcast, the executive commented that there are countless business models in the sector and that it is necessary to study to be able to stand out.

“Study the market. Today there are several videos and information on different websites. O Solar Channel is proof of that”, he highlighted. “Products don’t innovate overnight. Having the basic concept of how the market works, you assimilate any information that comes your way faster.”

According to Carvalho, being in the photovoltaic sector means being in an innovative market, which is here to stay and is very promising. 

Another point highlighted by the expert is that the market for solar energy storage has great potential in Brazil. 

“There are geographic areas in the country for this type of product and the battery will become increasingly cheaper, especially with the arrival of electric vehicles”.

“In five years, when the electric car battery is defective, it will not be discarded, but rather used off-grid”, added Carvalho. 

Also according to the executive, this market began some time ago, since before REN 482 (Normative Resolution No. 482/2012) from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) could only have off-grid systems. 

“Furthermore, prices are starting to reach a level that makes solar energy viable for many consumers. It is already a reality for many and will be everywhere in Brazil in a few years,” added Carvalho.

Comparison between Brazil and other markets

For the Director of Operations at Genyx, it is difficult to compare, for example, Brazil with China and Australia. “I look up a lot to the photovoltaic market in Australia because they are very advanced in this area. And the European one is also quite consolidated, different products, but the segment itself is very different. Brazilian culture differs from European culture.” 

“I lived in Austria for six months and there is the 100% benefit. The photovoltaic system was paid for by the population. Of course, the reality there is different. There is no hydroelectric plant and they need energy”, he reported. 

However, the executive said that Brazil is viewed positively abroad, mainly by the Chinese market. “I’m sure the country will have major investments this year, especially in products.”

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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