Eight states had an increase in their electricity bills above inflation in 2023

Residential consumers in Alagoas, Minas Gerais and Paraná were the most affected by the changes in the tariff value
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Oito estados tiveram aumentos na conta de luz acima da inflação em 2023
Higher elevations were recorded in Alagoas, Minas Gerais and Paraná. Photo: Freepik

You tariff adjustments and reviews suggested by distributors and approved, at the first semester of the year, by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) increased the value of the electricity bill of residential consumers above the level of inflation in at least eight states in Brazil. 

The information was collected by Solar Channel, based on reports published by the Agency. In some cases, changes announced on the electricity bill exceed the country's official inflation by more than twice – which was 5.79% in 2022 and is expected to be 5.01% this year, according to the central bank

For now, the highest elevations of the year went to residential consumers served by the distributors Equatorial Alagoas (14.57%), Cemig (14.91%) and Copel (10.96%), in states of Alagoas, Minas Gerais and Paraná, respectively. 

Increases above the inflation level were also recorded in the value of electricity bills in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia and Pernambuco. Altogether, more 35.6 million consumers were impacted in these eight states.

Know more: What is the difference between a tariff adjustment and a tariff review?

According to ANEEL, tariff adjustments and revisions to consumers' energy bills may vary according to the region, as they are due to variations in the operating costs of each distributor. 

Discussions in the Chamber of Deputies

The controversy surrounding the high energy tariffs charged to Brazilian consumers was the subject of discussion between deputies and the general director of ANEEL, Hélvio Guerra, in a public hearing held this Wednesday (21), by the Mines and Energy and of Financial Inspection and Control of the Chamber. 

“The decisions that were taken both in relation to TUST and the location sign, with the false discourse that lowered the price of energy, we have not seen this anywhere in Brazil and we will not see it. The announcements that will now be made regarding the renewal of tariffs by concessionaires will continue to be well above the inflation rate”, said deputy Danilo Forte (União-CE).

Know more: ANEEL approves addition of location sign in TUST calculation.

In response to questions, Guerra said that the electricity tariff in Brazil is made up of a set of factors and that the TUST (Transmission System Usage Tariff) is just one of them. Among these factors, he cited subsidies granted to some consumers and inflation.  

The ANEEL director also said that, as promised by the Agency, the TUST will be reduced from July onwards for some regions. Guerra emphasizes, however, that this does not mean that the electricity bill will be reduced. “ANEEL discusses this (electricity bill value) every day, looking for elements that can reduce tariffs as a whole”, he commented.   

Check it out below the list of tariff increases above inflation that were approved by ANEEL between January and June this year, in chronological order: 

  • Light: distributor that serves 4.7 million consumer units in Rio de Janeiro and in another 36 municipalities in Rio de Janeiro, had an approved annual tariff adjustment of 7.4% on March 13th. 
  • Enel RJ: distributor that serves 2.7 million consumer units in 66 municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, had a periodic tariff review of 6.01% approved on March 14. 
  • Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul: distributor that serves more than 1.1 million consumer units located in 74 municipalities in the state, had a periodic tariff review approved on April 4, 9.58%. 
  • Energisa Mato Grosso: distributor that serves around 1.56 million consumer units in the state, had a periodic tariff review of 8.62% on April 4th. 
  • Neoenergia Coelba: distributor that serves 6.3 million consumer units in 415 municipalities in Baianos, had an approved tariff index of 8.23% on April 18.
  • Neoenergia Pernambuco: distributor that serves 3.9 million consumer units in the state, had an approved annual tariff adjustment of 8.16% on May 9th. 
  • Cemig: distributor that serves 9.1 million consumer units located in 774 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, had a periodic tariff review approved of 14.91% approved on May 23. 
  • Equatorial Alagoas: distributor that serves 1.33 million consumer units in the state, had an approved annual tariff adjustment of 14.57% on May 23.  
  • Copel: distributor that serves 5 million consumer units in Paraná, had an approved annual tariff adjustment of 10.96% on June 20th.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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