ONS publishes document that consolidates information about the blackout

Report with the first indications was presented to the Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee
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Canal Solar ONS publica documento que consolida informações sobre o apagão
Document provides technical assessment of the events that occurred on August 15th in the National Interconnected System

The ONS (National Electric System Operator) released the chronological order of the events that caused this week's blackout. 

According to the Operator, the incident in the SIN (National Interconnected System) began at 8:30 am on Tuesday (15), with the interruption of around 19 thousand MW, of the total 73 thousand MW that were being served at the time, representing approximately 27% of the total charge for that hour. 

The event caused the electrical separation of the North and Northeast regions from the South, Southeast/Center-West regions, with the opening of interconnections between these regions, affecting 25 states and the Federal District.

Transmission line shutdown in Ceará started blackout, reports ONS

Also according to the ONS, considering the geographic regions of the country, loads in the North region (5.4 thousand MW), part of the Northeast region (7 thousand MW – 56%) were suspended and there were controlled load cuts (ERAC – Scheme Regional Load Relief) in part of the Southeast/Central-West and South subsystems (6.4 thousand MW).

Credit: ONS/Reproduction

The ONS pointed out that the recomposition of loads began in all regions in the first minutes after the occurrence, and at 9:05 am the loads in the South region were already back to normal.

Loads from the Southeast/Central-West regions were reestablished at 9:33 am and at 1:34 pm the entire operating system under ONS coordination was restored. Also according to the ONS, at 2:49 pm all interrupted loads were normalized by the distributors.

The Operator released an infographic to explain the incident, see details below.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

One Response

  1. The Recomposition of the State of Amapá is one of the longest.
    I have already discussed this with the ONS but they are not changing this situation.
    Perhaps due to lack of adequate equipment in the substations that
    are part of the structure of this axis. But companies have a duty to adapt
    systems and make them more reliable.
    I explain why they need to be more reliable. Amapá has 3 generators that serve the system
    interconnected. At the time of any interruption for this region, ERAC acts by cutting
    loads (apart from generation, or generators), in such a way that only that generator or generators remain in operation
    that meet the Amapá load. As programmed, ERAC acts by turning off all generators in Amapá, and
    It is waiting for the entire system to be recomposed, so that it can begin to rebuild the Amapá system.

    Electrical Engineer – Otoniel Amoras de Araújo UFPa Macapá/Ap

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