ONS records 24 solar energy records in September

The most recent brands were confirmed by the body in the last days of the month
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ONS registra 24 recordes de energia solar em setembro
Nova Olinda solar plant, in Ribeira do Piauí (PI). Photo: Disclosure/Enel

O ONS (National Electrical System Operator) recorded 24 records in the generation of solar energy throughout the Month of September, being the most recent from them confirmed between the 27th and 29th of September.

On the 27th, a peak of 3,499 MW was observed in instantaneous solar energy generation in the Northeast subsystem at 9:46 am, which represents 32.1% of the region's demand. The previous figure was 3,450 MW, at 11:12 am on September 5th. 

Still in the Northeast, on September 28, a record in average solar generation was recorded: 1,372 average MW (11.8% of demand). The previous one, in the same subsystem, was 1,315 average MW, recorded on the 13th.

On the 29th, three other records were recorded in solar generation: one in the Southeast/Central-West subsystem and two in the SIN (National Interconnected System). 

In the first of them, the mark was in instantaneous generation with 1,773 MW (4.4% of demand), at 11:38 am. The previous result was achieved on the 25th, with 1,649 MW. 

The SIN numbers were also identified in the snapshot, with 5,155 MW (7.4% of demand) and on average, with 1,945 average MW (2.8% of demand). The records surpassed the measurements of September 10th – 4,876 MW – and September 13th – 1,937 average MW – respectively.

Wind energy

Regarding wind energy generation, Brazil also registered five new records in the month of September, according to the ONS, all between the 5th and 7th. 

According to the agency, the SIN reached 15,890 average MW, which represented 22.9 % of energy demand. The best previous result was 15,150 average MW, on August 30, 2022. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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