ONS: milder temperatures reduce projections in cargo demand

At the end of April, the country will have a lower demand for energy than reported in previous reviews
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ONS: temperaturas mais amenas reduzem as projeções na demanda de carga
SIN is expected to accelerate 7.2% and the submarket with the most significant growth is the Northeast. Photo: Freepik

O ONS (National Electric System Operator) released the new PMO bulletin (Monthly Operation Program) – document that aims to outline prospective scenarios for expansion in demand for load on SIN (National Interconnected System) and in all subsystems

The analysis points out that at the end of April the country must have a demand charge per energy lower than reported in previous reviews for the month. However, even so, the positive behavior of the charge remains. 

The forecast of Milder temperatures are one of the factors that justify this behavior. In total, the SIN should accelerate 7.2% (79,359 MWmed) and the The submarket with the most significant growth is the Northeast, with 8.3% (13,201 MWmed). 

For the other regions, the projections are as follows: Southeast/Midwest, with 7.6% (45,386 MWmed); O South, with 6.1% (13,368 MWmed) and the North, with 5.1% (7,404 MWmed). The numbers are comparisons between estimates from April 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Source: ONS


The prospects for energy stored in reservoirs are stable, with three regions expected to end the month with levels above 70%, according to the ONS.

The exception to this pattern is the South, with 69.9%, but with a condition still close to 70%. The forecast for the North is 96.5%; followed by the Northeast, with 77.2%, and by the Southeast/Central-West, with 74.1%.

Estimates for inflow rates at the end of April are below the historical average for the period in three subsystems.   

Click here to check the report in full.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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