ONS: 18 lines and one plant returned to operation in RS

Operator reports that 17 transmission lines, six transformers and three plants remain inoperative in the state
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ONS: 18 linhas e uma usina retornaram à operação no Rio Grande do Sul
High voltage transmission line. Image: Pixabay

A month and a half after the intense rains that caused a catastrophe in Rio Grande do Sul, O ONS (National System Operator) continues working to completely recover the system of energy transmission in the region.

The rains started in April 27th and lasted for at least 10 consecutive days, causing extensive damage to electrical network equipment.

According to the latest bulletin released on Thursday (13/06), more four transmission lines and a transformer returned to operation:

  • LT 525 kV Nova Santa Rita / Campos Novos;
  • LT 230 kV Nova Santa Rita / Scharlau 2 C2;
  • LT 230 kV Nova Santa Rita / Scharlau 2 C1;
  • LT 230 kV Cidade Industrial / Porto Alegre 9 C2;
  • TR 4 525/230 kV Nova Santa Rita.

“The resumption of operation of these assets increases the reliability of the National Interconnected System (SIN) in meeting the state's cargo demands, at a time when part of the SIN infrastructure in the region is still impacted by the effects of heavy rains”, informed the ONS in a press release.

In total, of the assets affected by the flood, 18 transmission lines, eight transformers and the Dona Francisca hydroelectric plant (125 MW) have already returned to operation. “In addition, six temporary lines (one 525 kV and five 230 kV) were energized using sections of existing lines, but unable to operate in their original form.”

Still remain inoperative 17 transmission lines, six transformers and three power plants.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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