Opportunity to install a photovoltaic system at ESALQ-USP

Proposals can be sent until July 12th in electronic format
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Oportunidade de instalação de sistema fotovoltaico na ESALQ-USP
Main building of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ - USP), in Piracicaba. Photo: Marcos Santos-USP/Disclosure

A ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) was contacted for the USP (University of São Paulo) for to disclose one opportunity of implementing photovoltaic system to associated integrators. 

The project is intended to meet the demand for infrastructure on one project in R&D regulated by ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels), located on campus Esalq-USP (Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo).

The proposal It consists on a supply on one solar system, with a minimum power of 176 kWp and a maximum of 185.6 kWp, connected The network, and ranges from the preparation of the executive project/as built, to the necessary approvals from the electricity distributor. 

Furthermore, it includes the supply of all the materials It is equipment for installation, configuration and commissioning of the system and the implementation of access at the same.

To the proposals must have a term minimum of validity in 30 days and can be sent until the day 12 in July, in electronic format to email: [email protected].

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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