Partnership aims to develop renewable solutions for the Federal University of Amazonas

The objective of the agreement with Livoltek is to bring major advances in the field of clean electricity to Amazonian society
Energia Solar Canal Solar Parceria visa desenvolver soluções renováveis para Universidade Federal do Amazonas
UFAM (Federal University of Amazonas). Image: UFAM/Reproduction

A Livoltek is in negotiations to sign a agreement technical cooperation with the UFAM (Federal University of Amazonas), with the aim of developing solutions in renewable energy for the institution and for Amazonian society itself.

Recently, the Livoltek Power Brasil presented its products and solutions to UFAM managers, including the dean himself, professor Sylvio Puga, who was accompanied by the vice-rector, professor Therezinha Fraxe, and by the teacher João Caldas Neto, director of FT (Faculty of Technology), together with a group of professors from the institution. On the occasion, technological and innovative research was also presented by the group of FT teachers.

“The presentation carried out by Livoltek Power Brasil is the first dialogue in relation to the projects which could be developed by the company, with the perspective of becoming a permanent partner of the university”, stated Sylvio Puga, dean of UFAM.

To the next step, a technical visit with the Faculty of Technology, involving the teaching staff, in order to delve deeper into issues of both R&D (Research and Development) and partnerships involving product development. According to rector Sylvio Puga, the technical visit is extremely important not only for UFAM, but specifically for the FT.

“The reception held by the University overcame to the expectations, which confirmed the potential for technical development of technological partnership”, commented Ronaldo Lucas, Commercial Director at Livoltek Power Brasil.

"A university it is connected with the Amazon, with the manauara society It is Amazonian, exactly what we seek in this partnership. Integrating technology and technological solutions is a need for the people of Amazonas and we realize that UFAM is a partner that can really make this connection”, added Lucas.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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