Small in size, big in power

Modules from Trina Solar's Vertex Family line guarantee greater efficiency with a reduced size
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Canal Solar Pequenos em tamanho, grandes em potência
Modules can achieve greater efficiency with reduced area

It is nothing new that modules with high efficiency are appearing on the market. However, in general, the higher the power of the module, the larger its size.

For this reason, many designers end up making its use unfeasible for various reasons: for example, structures that cannot support the weight of larger modules or areas with limited space, which makes its application impossible. Therefore, Trina Solar comes up with a solution that guarantees modules with greater efficiency in smaller sizes.

Vertex Family Line by Trina Solar

The Vertex line has modules of 400 W, 500 W, 550 W, 600 W, 670 W, with the 400 W (Vertex S) and the 500 W developed especially for applications in smaller systems and it is about them that we will talk follow.

Why are Vertex modules more efficient?

Unlike conventional modules that use 166 mm monocrystalline cells with rounded edges, the Vertex Line modules use 210 mm cells with square edges, as illustrated in the image below.

Comparação entre células com bordas arredondadas e células com bordas quadradas
Comparison between cells with rounded edges and cells with square edges

Furthermore, the interconnections of the cells are of high density, which makes the space between the cells narrower. This is why the modules can achieve greater efficiency with a reduced area. The image below demonstrates this type of interconnection.

Pequenos em tamanho, grandes em potência

Conventional modules x Vertex Line 400 W/500 W

Below, we present in Table 1 the comparison between conventional modules that use 166 mm cells and those from the Vertex 400 W and 500 W line. It is worth noting that the table also compares logistics and storage values, proving that the modules in the line Vertex provide a reduction in these values as they are more compact and therefore easier to handle and store.

We note that the Vertex S line modules (400 W) present a gain of 33.8% in kWp compared to conventional modules that use 166 mm cells. The 500 W Vertex line module presented a gain of 7.5%, which is a considerable advantage for large systems.

In Table 2 we see the answer to a recurring question about whether high efficiency modules have high current values. The table shows that the Vertex 400 W / 500 W modules are not high current modules and therefore compatible with standard inverters.

Table 2 – Vertex line module currents and conventional inverter currents

Tabela 2 - Correntes dos módulos da linha Vertex e correntes de inversores convencionais

System balance – BOS

The BOS (Balance Of System) aims to define the project parameters in order to minimize investment costs. Therefore, as the Vertex Line modules have greater efficiency and can generate more energy with the same area as a conventional module, the costs per watt of trackers, cables, cabinets, stringboxes, installation accessories, among others, tend to decrease, consequently lower BOS values, bringing significant savings to the project.

Final considerations

As we have seen, the modules in the Vertex 400 W/500 W line have high efficiency when compared to other modules of a similar area.

This enables a series of advantages such as greater power generation, lower BOS costs, modules with high power but that fit inverter currents, ease of installation in structures that cannot support high weights and reliability, among other advantages.

It is undeniable that we are undergoing developments in the components of the photovoltaic market, and Trina Solar's Vertex Line is certainly one of them.

Picture of Lucas Andrade
Lucas Andrade
Graduated in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) with a specialization in solar energy from UNICAMP and studying a Lato Sensu Postgraduate course in solar energy from the Federal University of Viçosa - UFV.

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