Price of PV systems reduces by 4.3% in the 1st half

Greener study also compares the costs of plants with tracker and fixed structure
Price of residential systems accumulates a reduction of 44% in the last 6 years. Photo: Giselle Lacerda Santana

According to research carried out by Greener, O price of photovoltaic systems he had average reduction 4.3% in the first six months of 2022.

O Strategic Study: Distributed Generation 2022 | Photovoltaic Market 1st Semester, pointed out that the drop in equipment selling costs in the distribution chain and high competitiveness in the sector were factors that contributed to reduction in values for the final consumer.

On average, prices for the end customer in June 2022, for example, fell by 4.3% compared to January this year.

Residential and small commercial solar plants had an average variation of –5.9%, while larger plants fell by an average of 3.4%.

Fixed structure x tracker

Overall, the solo plants with tracker presented iaverage increase of 6% in the final price in relation to ground installations with fixed structures.

Already the soil plants with fixed structure, according to Greener, presented 9% mid rise about roof installations.

Preços referentes à pesquisa realizada em junho de 2022. Gráfico: Greener
Prices referring to the survey carried out in June 2022. Graphic: Greener

PV kit prices

You average kit prices in June 2022 presented average reduction of 12% in relation to January 2022. High inventory levels and increased wholesale competition were factors that contributed to the drop in values.

Prices for residential systems (4 kWp)

O residential photovoltaic system accumulates a reduction of 44% in the last six years.

Gráfico: Greener
Graphic: Greener

Commercial system prices (50 kWp)

O commercial photovoltaic system also accumulates a reduction of 44% in the last six years.

Gráfico: Greener
Graphic: Greener

Industrial system prices (1 MWp)

O industrial photovoltaic system accumulates a reduction of 35% in the last six years.

banner amara
Gráfico: Greener
Graphic: Greener

Residential Payback

With respect to value of residential plants, Greener's research showed that it was R$ 4.88/Wp (average data according to GD research 1st semester 2022 for 4 kWp systems).

The calculation takes into account the site's productivity, the average cost of the systems, the concessionaire tariff (post LCP 194), a PR (Performance Ratio) of 75 % and a simultaneity index of 30%.

Commercial Payback – low voltage

O value of trading systems was R$ 3.88/Wp (average data according to GD survey 1st semester 2022 for 50 kWp systems).

The calculation takes into account the site's productivity, the average cost of the systems, the concessionaire tariff (post LCP 194), a PR of 75% and a simultaneity index of 70%.

Commercial Payback – Medium Voltage

O price of industrial systems was R$ 3.63/Wp (average data according to GD survey 1st semester 2022 for 300 kWp systems).

The calculation takes into account the site's productivity, the average cost of the systems, the concessionaire tariff (post LCP 194), a PR of 75% and a simultaneity index of 50%.

Financing of PV plants

Another point highlighted by the report is that the strong increase in interest rates contribute to drop in financing participation in the sale of solar plants in the first half of 2022.

Despite this, Greener reported that the sector continues to attract new financing agents to the market, with growth of 30% in the number of institutions offering credit to the photovoltaic segment.

Even due to the rise in interest rates, there was important increase in the number of agents working with financing. A total of 52 institutions were cited, compared to the 40 mentioned in the previous survey.

In the company's view, despite the challenging scenario, the financing should continue to be growth lever for G.D. (distributed generation) in the country.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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