Prices in the production chain fall amid production cuts

Prices of modules, wafers and cells have fluctuated, according to the InfoLink Consulting bulletin
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Preços na cadeia produtiva fotovoltaica caem em meio a cortes de produção
Photo: Freepik/Reproduction

Last week, the price of modules, cells and wafers They fell at the international market Amid productive cuts. This is what the weekly Bulletin of InfoLink Consulting.

The price of modules, both technology PERC as the HJT fell between 3% and 4% both within China and in the international market since the consultancy's last update. 

The sales value of PERC modules, both 182 mm and 210 mm, fell to US$ 0.1/W. Meanwhile, technology HJT had a reduction of 3,6% for US$ 0.135/W. According to the consultancy, module manufacturers have reduced prices to close sales.

Check out the other highlights of the global photovoltaic chain present in the most recent InfoLink bulletin.


Polysilicon experienced a small price reduction, being sold to US$ 5.37/kg. At the moment, the input is being traded close to production value, which threatens manufacturers.

Even after SNEC and Intersolar 2024 the suppliers remain under pressure. In the current scenario, more and more manufacturers are planning production cuts or closures.


Wafer inventories have seen a small reduction as manufacturers seek to reduce production, but the total remains above four billion pieces.

210mm P-type wafers dropped 5.5% to US$ 0.212/piece, and in China to US$ 0.23/piece;


PERC cells dropped 2.5% to the sales price of US$ 0.039/W, while TOPCon cells saw a fluctuation of 5% to the US$ 0.038/W mark.

Manufacturers have slowed production of 210mm P-type cells due to price fluctuations of 183mm N-type cells, which have affected the price of 210mm cells.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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