Inflow forecasts are above 100% in 3 subsystems at the end of the month

For the twelfth consecutive week, ONS pointed out that the Marginal Operating Cost remains zero
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13-03-23-canal-solar-Previsões de afluência estão acima de 100% em 3 subsistemas ao fim do mês
Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant. Photo: Caio Coronel/Itaipu

O PMO bulletin (Monthly Operation Program), referring to the operating week between March 11th and 17th, points out that the AND ON (Affluent Natural Energy) must reach levels higher than 100% of MLT (Long Term Average), at the end of March, in three regions.

According to the ONS (National Electric System Operator), the highest percentages are for the South, 117% from MLT, and to the North, with 116% from MLT. For the Southeast/Central-West, the indication is 105% from MLT, higher than the previous revision (98% from MLT). The Northeast must register ENA of 51% from MLT.

Regarding the CMO (Marginal Operating Cost), the Operator pointed out that it remains at zero value for the twelfth consecutive week and equalized throughout the country.

The EAR (Stored Energy) prospects for March 31st remain above 80% in all submarkets, with emphasis on the North, with an estimate of 100%, the highest percentage recorded for the month since the beginning of the historical series started in 2000 .

The Southeast/Central-West should reach 84.5%. If the data is confirmed, it will be the highest EAR in the region in March since 2007 (87.3%), that is, 16 years ago. For the Northeast and South, projections are 88.6% and 85.5%, respectively, a scenario of stability compared to last week's indices.

Loading scenarios

According to the ONS, the prospective scenarios for the load are a reduction in the SIN (National Interconnected System) and in two subsystems. The SIN may register a slowdown of 0.5% (74,673 MWmed). A behavior similar to that expected for the Southeast/Central-West, 3.2% (43,258 MWmed), and for the South, 0.6% (13,018 MWmed).

The other regions show a tendency for load growth. For the Northeast, the estimate is 1.9% (11,790 MWmed) and for the North the projection is an increase of 15.5% (6,607 MWmed). The data compares the percentage estimated for the end of March 2023 compared to the same period last year.

The load forecasts for next week were based on, among other points, the prospect of a reduction in average temperatures in the capitals of the South and Southeast. For the Northeast and North, the expectation is for a slight decline in thermometers throughout this week, compared to what was recorded in recent days.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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