Fronius presents new features at virtual business fair

The virtual business fair for inverter manufacturer Fronius began this Wednesday (16). This year, the event will be remote due to the Covi-19 pandemic. According to the company, customers will be able to follow all the innovations in the solar energy sector, at home.  

In Brazil, the digital fair started on Wednesday and continues until Friday (16). Participation is free. According to Fronius, the objective is for visitors to learn about the company's news and also receive tips on solutions for the photovoltaic market and projects in the sector.

Daniel Lyrio, commercial technical specialist at Fronius, talks about the fair's updates. “Fronius looked for a way to not leave the market out of the news we have for next year. Even if virtually, we managed to bring all the ideas and solutions to the photovoltaic market, in addition to innovations, with new equipment that will enter the market in 2021, such as hybrid inverters and Tauro inverters for photovoltaic plants”.

Through the online fair, visitors can take a tour of the Fronius solution portfolio, guided by an expert from the company's international group, in several languages. Furthermore, there are options with different schedules, which give the customer the freedom to choose the best time to participate in the virtual visit. 

To register, simply click here and enjoy all the new features that Fronius has to offer, without compromising your health.

“This means that we can, even during this period of pandemic and most employees work from home, be close to installers, customers and electricians, for example, to be increasingly up to date with technologies.” concludes Lyrio.


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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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