Solar sector professionals mobilize in public event in Brasília

Protesters will demand the vote on PL 5829, which aims to create the GD Legal Framework in Brazil
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Professionals, entrepreneurs, consumers and associations representing the solar energy sector will hold a manifesto this Tuesday (8), at 9 am, in front of the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília (DF).

The objective is to demand the vote on PL 5829 (Bill no. 5829/2019), which aims to create the Legal Framework for GD (distributed generation) in Brazil.

According to the organizers, more than a thousand people are expected to be present at the event. “There will be caravans from all states to show all deputies that our bill needs to be voted on. It is a super important Legal Framework in the area of energy in our country”, explains Rafael Pires, director of Guia Norte Solar and one of the organizers of the event. 

The gathering of buses from different states is scheduled to take place at 6 am at the Hotel San Paul Plazo. From there, the protesters will head towards the Esplanada dos Ministérios. The event begins with the playing of the national anthem and speeches by sector representatives.

Throughout the day, the figure of a sun will be set up around the lawn using photovoltaic modules. Closing is scheduled for 4pm, according to the organizers.

“We are living at a time in which all of our reservoirs are operating at low levels and, this year, we already have risks of small blackouts. There is no reason for deputies to vote against PL 5829, as it is balanced, gives the customer the right to have their own plant and also remunerates distributors in a staggered manner”, he highlighted. 

The demonstration will also have the support of companies and multinationals that act as distributors and manufacturers of photovoltaic equipment. “The demonstration is very important to show our political representatives the unity and strength we have”, says Ildo Bet, co-founder of PHB Solar. 

“We have always worked to have a thriving solar market and this manifestation is extremely important, as it will bring the long-awaited legal stability for the development of the sector. We are engaged and will be present to add our voice to the others who will be there”, highlighted Bruno Reis, commercial manager at Genyx.

Eduardo Nicol, CEO of Renew Energia, explains that the act aims to make deputies understand the importance of the PL for the future of Brazil. “This demonstration is extremely important to make Congress see that we are mobilized and attentive as citizens. We know that democracy does not always work as it should, but it is one of the forms of expression in our society”, he highlighted. 

For Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Energia Solar, all Brazilians should have the possibility of accessing solar energy. “For this reason, for years, we have insisted on the importance of a regulatory framework that allows legal certainty for all activities related to solar energy”, he commented. 

“We support the holding of a demonstration in Brasília that defends the principles of our mission, of making solar energy available to everyone. Even in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we believe that the demonstration, carried out following all health protocols, is essential to reinforce the positioning of the sector's leaders”, highlighted Martins. 

Camila Nascimento, commercial director of Win Energias, in turn, highlights that the approval of PL 5829 is essential given the current situation in the Brazilian electricity sector, with a water crisis and the risk of energy rationing. “GD helps to alleviate pressure on the electrical system as a whole, in addition to lowering electricity bills for consumers in general”, she points out. 

Slow processing 

Initially, PL 5829 was scheduled to be voted on at the beginning of last year, but ended up being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The topic was revisited in December, when the majority of deputies voted to urgently approve the text, allowing the document to skip some steps in the processing process.

Even though it was placed on the agenda in the Chamber of Deputies, the text was never analyzed and has been constantly overlooked by parliamentarians in relation to other projects. The delay in voting is precisely what bothers the category, which, in recent months, has been carrying out pressure and awareness campaigns with society to approve the document.

Last Wednesday (2), for example, representatives of associations and entities linked to the solar sector met with the chief minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Onyx Lorenzoni, in Brasília (DF), to talk about the project law and express your thoughts on the topic.

Know more: Onyx Lorenzoni welcomes solar sector associations

The proposal basically extends the collection of charges and tariffs for the use of transmission and distribution systems to micro and mini electricity generators. The sector defends the incentive, claiming that the measure will bring more legal and regulatory security for the sustainable growth of the Brazilian electricity sector.

“It is very important for everyone to be present tomorrow so that deputies can see that the sector is united and provides a lot of jobs. I am sure that we will be able to (at the demonstration) open the eyes of the deputies more”, stated Ricardo Rizzotto, entrepreneur in the solar segment. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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