RenovaPR Program executed a thousand projects in two months

Together, the projects represent an investment of R$ 169.1 million
Programa RenovaPR executou mil projetos em dois meses

This Tuesday (5), the RenovaPR program (Paraná Energia Rural Renovável) executed the 1000th project. program has been open for two months for carrying out projects for photovoltaic plants and biodigesters.

The projects are accepted by IDR-PR (Paraná Rural Development Institute) and together represent an investment of R$ 169.1 million. Currently, around 460 projects are already in financial institutions and total R$ 78.8 million.

“We have the concrete possibility of generating a lot of energy in rural Paraná, whether through solar panels or biodigesters”, says Norberto Ortigara, Secretary of State for Agriculture and Supply of PR.

“We have inexhaustible sources of renewable and sustainable energy production in Paraná, which is why we decided to stimulate generation on site and we realized, with great satisfaction, that the response has been very positive”, highlights Ortigara.

Furthermore, to speed up the process of serving farmers in the state, IDR-PR launched public call notices for the provision of services related to solar energy and to biogas in rural environments.

According to the institute, around 400 companies in the renewable sector are already approved to serve rural producers in the implementation of the two types of systems provided by the program. 

Producers interested in joining RenovaPR need to go to municipal unit of the IDR closest to your property and choose between approved companies or another that meets your objectives. 

RenovaPR also has a partnership with Banco do Agricultor Paranaense that provides full payment by the state of Paraná of interest on projects contracted until December 2022. Projects financed up to R$ 500 thousand for photovoltaic solar energy and up to R$ 1.5 million in biodigester.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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