Amazon 4.0 Project foresees sustainable exploitation of biodiversity

Initiative includes the creation of mobile laboratories for the study and efficient exploration of products such as cocoa and açaí
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Projeto Amazônia 4.0 prevê exploração sustentável da biodiversidade

For decades, the debate on the development of the Amazon was divided between two opposing views: on the one hand, the idea of those who advocate reserving large areas of forests for biodiversity conservation purposes.

On the other, the vision of development based on the exploitation of natural resources, mainly through mining.

It was with this in mind that eight Brazilian researchers came together to propose the creation of a project whose objective is to explore the forest's biodiversity without causing damage to the environment. The project was called “Amazonia 4.0”.

Through the implementation of LCAs (Mobile Laboratories) to create local bioindustries in remote areas of the Amazon, researchers believe that it will be possible to generate jobs, provide social inclusion, training and improve the quality of life of local populations. All this in a sustainable way and without forest degradation.

In the second half of this year, three communities in Pará will receive the first laboratories, which will bring Industry 4.0 technologies to the cocoa and cupuaçu production chain.

The systems include drones, digital sensors and artificial intelligence to cover long journeys in the Amazon region. Future laboratories will focus on Brazil nuts, açaí, essential oils and other products.

Opinion: Amazon 4.0 and the privilege of participating in a major sustainability project

To make the initiative viable, new technologies will be used combined with clean and renewable energy generation systems. Thus, these laboratories will be themed and specific to each production chain or type of biodiversity.

About LCAs

These are mobile field units that can be installed in tents or floating platforms and subsequently dismantled and transported in aeronautical containers to other locations by truck, boat or plane. 

The laboratories aim to combine local traditional knowledge, scientific data and technological equipment to equip communities, valuing biodiversity and generating products of greater value, as well as being lighter for transport.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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