Nuclear power project, with Kehua ESS, is connected to the grid

Manufacturer supplied liquid-cooled storage system for enterprise located in China
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20-10-23-canal-solar-Projeto de energia nuclear, com ESS da Kehua, é conectado à rede
ESS station located in Maoying city, China. Photo: Kehua/Disclosure

A Kehua announced that Phase 2 of nuclear energy storage station of China Ziyun, a subsidiary of CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation), was connected in September successfully to the network.

According to the company, this is the largest ESS (Energy Storage System) independent in Guizhou. The project is located in the city of Maoying and has a liquid cooled storage system from the manufacturer.

“The solution, which has a low LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy), guarantees the safe operation of the station – with a total capacity of 400 MW”, highlighted the company.

“Integrating standard 280Ah cells, the system is designed with a 20-foot container (3.44 MWh/container), combining with the 3.45 MW containerized storage system and transformer (AC side) developed by Kehua, thus avoiding wastage of resources and investments due to excessive capacity”, they explained.

Additionally, the ESS incorporates power electronics and digital technology to achieve the following advantages, according to the company:

  • Design: through component modularization and product standardization, the Kehua S³ EStation offers greater availability and usability with simplified installation and O&M (Operation and Maintenance) processes, ensuring a shorter construction cycle and lower overall costs;
  • System Application: Adopting technologies such as intelligent temperature control and 3D cloud diagram, Kehua S³ EStation has an extended battery life, shorter O&M time and higher overall system efficiency;
  • Safety: The combination of third-level fire protection, third-level explosion protection and multi-layer insulation ensures a safer, highly reliable and stable power station.
Projeto conta com 118 contêineres de bateria. Foto: Kehua/Divulgação
The project has 118 battery containers. Photo: Kehua/Disclosure

More project details

In total, the project consists of 118 battery containers, 60 sets of containerized energy storage systems, transformer and a step-up substation. “It can charge/discharge 380 thousand kWh at maximum generation.”

“The first phase of the project began in March this year and began operating on July 19th. The second phase had a tight supply schedule and limited construction time. Facing challenges such as high temperatures and a rainy season, the Kehua team prioritized the customer's needs and worked closely with all related parties to meet the deadline,” they emphasized.

From delivery of storage systems, commissioning, grid connection to project operation, Kehua took 40 days. “It is understood that after more than two months of safe Phase Ⅰ operation, the station is currently in optimal operational state and ready to provide peak trimming services, demonstrating our strong product and service capabilities.”

“In the future, we will dedicate ourselves to the goal of creating value for customers around the world by providing quality products and services, promoting the innovation and application of energy storage technology, and designing solutions for more application scenarios,” concluded the company .

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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