Bill encourages the use of solar energy in family farming

PL 2,458/2022 also aims to benefit units whose holder is registered with CadÚnico
20-09-22-canal-solar-Projeto de lei estimula uso da solar na agricultura familiar
Bill aims to benefit family farmers. Photo: Fernando Aguiar da Costa

The Senate will analyze the PL 2,458/2022, authored by senator Alessandro Vieira (PSDB-SE), which alleviates the electricity bills of properties with agriculture family that use energy from solar microgenerators.

The bill also aims to benefit units whose holder is registered with the CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government).

Among other measures, the law guarantees tariff subsidies for consumers who invest in autonomous production using micro or mini generators from renewable sources. With this benefit, they do not pay the full cost of using the distribution network.

The proposal expands these subsidies until 2045 for family farmers and CadÚnico participants who invest in solar photovoltaic generation.

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“It is appropriate to emphasize the benefits of this measure: consumers with lower purchasing power will have a reduction in their electricity expenses and family farmers will spend less to produce their products”, he explained.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the production chain associated with photovoltaic panels will employ more people and the Brazilian electrical matrix will become cleaner.

The PL is still awaiting the order that will determine which thematic committees will analyze it. The order will also say whether it will need to go through the Plenary or whether the committees' deliberation will be the final word. If approved by the Senate, the text will go to the Chamber of Deputies.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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