Project will install 50 thousand photovoltaic plants on rural properties

Orion-E initiative will help companies achieve CO2 mitigation goals and benefit family farming areas
3 minute(s) of reading
03-01-23-canal-solar-Projeto irá instalar 50 mil usinas fotovoltaicas em propriedades rurais
3 Marias Project in the north of Minas Gerais. Photo: Reproduction

A Orion-E, a clean and renewable energy asset owner, launched a equity investment fund (FIP) worth R$ 1.078 billion for carrying out the 3 Marias Project, based on 6 SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) that will help companies achieve CO2 mitigation goals.

The objective is to capture around R$ 4.3 billion remaining on the market for the execution of the first phase of the program, which has the constructive reach of 50 thousand microgeneration plants to be installed in four years.

To the solar plants will be built on rural properties of family farming throughout the Brazil, and should count on an investment of R$ 5.4 billion for the systems that will be implemented by the end of 2023.

According to the company, the initiative was created as part of the solution to tackle climate issues, such as reducing food risk, reusing water, using clean and affordable energy, reducing inequalities and implementing partnerships.

“A truly ESG project gives the market the opportunity to combine profitability and purpose. This program can take the topic of clean and social energy to unimaginable levels within our portfolio, whether for national or international investors”, reported Hugo Albuquerque, who will now take over as CEO of Orion-E in January.

“This is possibly the only Brazilian solar energy initiative that meets all ESG requirements, becoming exactly what companies are most looking for today to call their own. Water reuse, social energy, food security, reduction of inequalities, CO2 mitigation and fulfillment of SCOPE 3”, he emphasized.

Marco Aurelio, COO of Orion-E, highlighted that the project is not just about building 50,000 plants in four years, but about contributing to improving the lives of 50,000 families involved in family farming. “12,500 microgeneration plants per year, 1% of the current installed base, still seems very little, if we think about all the benefits that this program brings”, he commented.

More details

The 3 Marias Project was developed to be implemented in family farming areas. There are currently around 3.9 million families that produce around 23% of all Brazilian agricultural production, but survive on a monthly income of 1 to 1.5 minimum wages.

In addition to increasing the income of these families, the initiative aims to help large local retail chains. The energy produced will be used by low voltage customers, in general, retail chains and the agro-industry chain, who are committed to mitigating not only their GHG emissions, but also their entire supply and distribution chain.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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