Brazilian PV projects win international award from Jinko

JinkoSolar Latam & Italy Awards 2021 awards plants installed on rural and residential properties

Manufacturer Jinko Solar announced, during online ceremony held in April, the winners of five categories, with the best installed projects, of the first edition of the JinkoSolar Latam & Italy Awards 2021.

According to the company, the event was attended by more than 50 competing projects and 6 thousand votes. The panel of judges chosen to conduct the selection was made up of five Jinko employees, including marketing and technical employees.

Among the winners, two Brazilian projects were chosen to represent the “Best Rural PV Project” and “Best Residential PV Project” categories.

The rural installation was carried out in the city of Medianeira (PR), by the company BioWatts Energia Solar. Owner Marcelo Fracaro installed 246 400 Wp modules of the manufacturer's Cheetah HC 72M-V model. In total, the plant has 98.40 kW, with annual generation of 143,820.24 kWh.

Projetos FV brasileiros ganham premiação internacional da Jinko
Winning project in the rural category. Photo: Jinko

The winner in the residential category was Sergio Hashiba, resident of the municipality of Matão (SP). He installed 21 panels of model JKM460M-60HL4-V from Jinko. The system, installed by JVP Energia Solar Fotovoltaica, has 9.66 kW.

Projetos FV brasileiros ganham premiação internacional da Jinko
Winning project in the residence category. Photo: Jinko

To follow the new editions of the JinkoSolar Latam & Italy Awards, follow the manufacturer's official website. 

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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