Which states saw the most significant drops in watt-peak prices in 2023?

Only two states did not show a reduction in the value of photovoltaic modules in the first half of this year
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Quanto custa instalar um sistema de energia solar em cada estado brasileiro?
Photo: Freepik

O price average of watt-peak (Wp) for systems solar energy in Brazil registered a drop of R$ 0.59 (R$ 4.22 to R$ 3.63) in first half of 2023, according to data published by Solfácil Radar.

According to the study, the state of Sergipe was what presented the biggest drop in value of photovoltaic modules throughout the first six months of the year, with a reduction of R$ 1.30 per Wp.

Afterwards, there appear Rondônia and Alagoas, with a reduction of R$ 0.75 per Wp in both states. Also highlighted Goiás (R$ 0.68); Mato Grosso do Sul (R$ 0.67) and Espírito Santo (R$ 0.66), respectively. 

Solfácil Radar data also indicates that only two states did not show a price reduction, namely: Amazon (R$ increase 0.02 per Wp) and Bahia (price of R$ 4.29 per Wp in June was at the same level as in January). Furthermore, all states recorded significant drops.

Check it out below how it was the variation (reduction, stagnation or increase) the average price of watt-peak in each Brazilian state between the months of January and June 2023: 

States January/2023 June/2023 Variation
Acre  R$ 3.69 

R$ 3.51

– R$ 0.18 
Alagoas R$ 4.30 R$ 3.55 – R$ 0.75
Amapá R$ 3.88 R$ 3.36 – R$ 0.22
Amazon R$ 3.87 R$ 3.89 + R$ 0.02
Bahia R$ 4.29 R$ 4.29 R$ 0.00
Ceará R$ 4.35 R$ 3.72 – R$ 0.63
Federal District R$ 4.22 R$ 3.70 – R$ 0.52
Holy Spirit R$ 4.34  R$ 3.68 – R$ 0.66
Goiás R$ 4.16 R$ 3.48 – R$ 0.68
Maranhão R$ 4.10 R$ 3.64 – R$ 0.46
Mato Grosso R$ 4.00 R$ 3.44 – R$ 0.56
Mato Grosso do Sul R$ 4.05 R$ 3.38 – R$ 0.67
Minas Gerais R$ 4.20  R$ 3.66 – R$ 0.54
For R$ 4.43 R$ 3.92 – R$ 0.51
Paraíba R$ 4.09 R$ 3.70 – R$ 0.39
Paraná R$ 4.03 R$ 3.51 – R$ 0.52
Pernambuco R$ 4.34 R$ 3.78 – R$ 0.56
Piauí R$ 4.25 R$ 3.61 – R$ 0.64
Rio de Janeiro R$ 4.24 R$ 3.71 – R$ 0.53
large northern river R$ 4.21 R$ 3.56 – R$ 0.65
Rio Grande do Sul R$ 4.37 R$ 3.78 – R$ 0.59
Rondônia R$ 3.98 R$ 3.23 – R$ 0.75
Roraima R$ 3.84 R$ 3.39 – R$ 0.45
Santa Catarina R$ 4.18 R$ 3.83 – R$ 0.35
São Paulo R$ 4.18 R$ 3.56 – R$ 0.62
Sergipe R$ 4.78 R$ 3.48 – R$ 1.30
Tocantins R$ 4.12 R$ 3.47 – R$ 0.65


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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