Which PV plants have the highest capacity factors?

Study lists the ten largest and provides more details about each of the projects in Brazil
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Estudo aponta quais são os usinas FV com maior fator de capacidade
Solar Serra do Mel II is the photovoltaic plant with the highest capacity factor. Photo: Voltalia/Disclosure.

One ranking prepared by ePowerBay, a market intelligence company specializing in the renewable energy sector, revealed which are the solar plants with the largest capacity factors from Brazil.

This is a concept that, in general terms, represents how much energy a photovoltaic project can generate in relation to its maximum possible. 

In all, 237 plants in operation were evaluated - what, together, presented a average capacity factor in 22,4%. The information refers to the month of November 2022.

O lifting also brought details about what are thecompanies responsible for the complexes, as well as their respective suppliers of modules, inverters and trackers. 

In first place, the plant remained Solar Serra do Mel II, with capacity factor of 34.77% (103.11 MW), located in the Serra Branca Complex, in Large northern river. 

O space is managed by Voltalia and has photovoltaic modules from Canadian Solar, inverters from Sungrow and trackers from NexTracker. 

The plant has an installed capacity of 103.11 MW and long-term private energy sales contracts signed with several companies, including clients such as Copel and Braskem.

According to Voltalia, all the energy produced is responsible for reducing the emission of almost 126 thousand tons of CO₂ per year into the atmosphere. 

Operational control

According to the ePowerBay study, four companies are responsible for managing the ten plants with the highest capacity factor in Brazil. 

In addition to Voltalia – which also has the Solar Serra do Mel I plant in fifth place on the list – EDP Renováveis is also in the ranking, with five plants (Complexo Barreto I, II, III, IV and V); AES Brasil with two others (Água Vermelha IV and VI), and Canadian Solar with another plant in operation (Lavras 6). 

Check below the ranking of the ten solar plants with the highest capacity factors in Brazil:

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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