Dirceu Ferreira: 'Professional qualification is essential for the success of solar energy'

The exponential growth of the sector has required technical training and determination
Canal Solar

Specialist in energy generation and distribution and with more than 30 years of experience in the area, professor and electrical engineer Dirceu José Ferreira believes that technical training for those working in the solar energy sector is essential.

In an interview with Solar Channel, the expert highlighted the country’s great potential in this sector. “I consider that solar energy is a natural resource that is still little explored in Brazil. It is known that the lowest solar irradiation index in Brazil is equivalent to the highest recorded in Germany. And with the stimulus given by Normative Resolution 482 of 2012 of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), we have seen, in recent years, an exponential growth in the number of requests for access to the concessionaires' distribution system”, highlighted Dirceu.

Today Brazil has more than 2 GW of distributed generation photovoltaic systems installed, according to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy). By the end of 2020, the association estimates that this number will rise to 5.4 GW.

This scenario, according to the expert, increases the need for professionals and companies in the sector to specialize. “The exponential growth of the sector has required technical training and determination to find solutions and adjustments for good coexistence. This has stimulated research, technological innovations and mainly technical training to respond to new situations”, said Dirceu.

The professor also commented on how distributed generation has been fundamental to the Brazilian electrical system and emphasized the importance of investments in training and professional development. “Solar energy contributes to the storage of energy in the form of water reserves in hydroelectric plants and also reduces the use of thermal generation. I understand that for a more effective performance in the Brazilian electrical system it needs to be complemented with other technologies such as energy storage through batteries and wind energy.

To achieve this, it is essential to invest in the technical training of everyone involved to provide non-trivial answers and solutions to a new electrical system that abruptly receives new sources of distributed generation”, highlighted Dirceu.

Asked about ANEEL's intention to update REN 482, the engineer stated that the future is uncertain, but that he is optimistic. “A challenge to be faced by solar energy entrepreneurs is how to survive the changes highlighted by ANEEL in resolution 482, which tends to remove certain incentives that could make some projects unfeasible. However, I believe that a promising solution is the application of solar generation, complemented with energy storage and wind generation in microgrid systems, in which enterprises can operate with guaranteed quality, independent of energy distributors. A challenge to be conquered by solar generation”, highlighted Dirceu.

Currently, Dirceu is part of the team of professionals who teach the Advanced Distributed Generation Solar Power Plant Project course up to 5MW, offered by Solar Channel. Engineer and professor Dirceu qualifies professionals in the sector who want to learn more about connecting to the grid, covering important concepts about distributed generation, such as cogeneration, qualified cogeneration, distributed micro and minigeneration, among others. Furthermore, Dirceu created, together with the technical team of Solar Channel, an innovative and unique course in Brazil, which deals with the design of primary cabins for solar plants.

The first edition of the course was held in Campinas-SP and had a large audience, the majority of which were professionals from distributed generation companies and photovoltaic system integrators. Information about the courses offered by Dirceu can be found in this link.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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