The news channel about the solar sector
most accessed in Latin America

Our story

Founded in 2018, Canal Solar was born with the purpose of connecting and informing the Brazilian photovoltaic solar energy market. 

Over the years, we have assembled a team of journalists, writers, experts and columnists dedicated to providing daily, up-to-date content about the sector. With this, we have consolidated ourselves as the most accessed source of news and technical information for professionals, investors and enthusiasts in the solar market.

Since 2019, Canal Solar has been running the podcast “Papo Solar”, which brings together players in the solar sector to discuss the main trends in technologies and the market. Furthermore, we offer the best photovoltaic solar energy courses in the country, training more than 7 thousand professionals.


Bruno Kikumoto

Electrical Engineer from the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) and Master in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), he leads our team with extensive practical experience in the design, inspection and commissioning of photovoltaic systems.

And also because it is at the top of the main market metrics

Last 12 Months

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Furthermore, it is among the largest social networks in the world

Followers on Instagram
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LinkedIn Followers
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Followers on Youtube
and 3MM Views
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What is Canal Solar's mission?

Contribute to the development of photovoltaic solar energy in Brazil, connecting professionals, investors and companies, through information, education and training.

Solar Channel Values


We seek sustainability with natural resources and in relationships with our customers, partners and employees.


With hard work and responsibility we do what is right, not what is easiest or most convenient.

Team work

The union of individual talents complement each other to produce extraordinary results.


We carry out our commitments with responsibility and seriousness.


Recognition for those who achieve results with excellence.

Partnership and loyalty

Clear and transparent positioning, we do not develop activities in competition with our public and our partners. Alone we will not be able to achieve high and lasting flights.

High performance

We continually seek excellence.

Truth, impartiality and correction

Commitment to the truth and technically correct content, always acting impartially.

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