Complaints to ANEEL about DG connections tripled in 4 years

Numbers were presented by the Regulatory Agency itself in a meeting held with ABSOLAR
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Reclamações na ANEEL sobre conexões de GD triplicaram em 4 anos
Round table on the challenges of GD in Brazil. Photo: ANEEL/Youtube

O number of complaints involving the Distributed micro and mini generation system connections at ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) practically have tripled in the last four years.

In 2019, they were around 5.2 thousand complaints accounted for by the Regulatory Body in between the months of January and November. At the same period of 2023, this number jumped to another 14.6 thousand.

You numbers were released by ANEEL itself in meeting promoted with ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), at the Agency's headquarters, in Brasília (DF), this Thursday (30), to talk about the challenges of DG (distributed generation) in Brazil. 

During the event, was also presented by the Agency who are the distributors of electrical energy with the highest number of complaints in 2023.

A Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) easily leads the numbers, presenting 24,88% of the total complaints formalized in 2023. Next, appear Neoenergia Coelba (7,21%); Enel-RJ (7,19%); CEEE Equatorial (6.15%) and ENEL-CE (5,91%). 

The Agency also showed that the medium term that the entity has taken to analyze complaints considered more complex ones is approximately 15 days. 

According to the regulatory body, the main problems that fall into this category they are:  

  • Cancellation of connection quotes already issued;
  • Power flow inversion;
  • Failure to meet deadlines;
  • Generating plant division;
  • Refusal to sign contracts by CNPJ from other states;
  • Withdrawal of the option to execute/advance work;
  • Loss of GD I;
  • Presentation of the connection study;
  • Unreasonable demands from distributors;
  • Irregularities in connection budgets;
  • Error in the distribution of credits within the determined criteria. 

“We have a team that carries out this type of analysis in the order of 37 analysts and civil servants, who currently have a liability of 1,043 requests in relation to these matters”, explained André Ruelli, superintendent of administrative mediation and consumer relations at ANEEL.  

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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