(re)energisa installs more than 60 plants with JA Solar modules

Photovoltaic systems, located in several Brazilian states, have already generated more than 375 GWh
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11-10-23-canal-solar-(re)energisa instala mais de 60 usinas com módulos da JA Solar
(Re)energisa plant, with modules from JA Solar, located in the city of Denise (MT). Photo: Alsol/Disclosure

A (re)energizes, marked Energisa Group for unregulated businesses, achieved 307 MWp of installed capacity – divided into 79 solar plants in six states in the Central-West and Southeast regions.

The multiplication of the number of enterprises is a direct result of investment in R$ 1.4 billion, made since the creation of the brand. Just in front of G.D. (distributed generation), the company contributed R$ 409.9 million at the second trimester this year, a jump in 194,4% compared to the same period in 2022.

According to Julio Pimenta, corporate manager of Supplies and Logistics, responsible for (re)energisa acquisitions, there are more than 60 systems in operation with modules from Chinese manufacturer JA Solar, which have already generated more than 375 GWh.

“We have played a prominent role in the energy transition, providing our customers with the best energy solution”, highlighted the executive.

According to Pimenta, JA's solar panels contributed to (re)energisa achieving the best LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy), providing performance in electricity generation and, consequently, better conditions for customers.

“In addition to providing high quality modules and technology, we always seek to offer the best service in our segment to all customers,” he said Fernando Castro, country manager for JA Solar in Brazil.

“We are very grateful to work side by side with the (re)energisa team, strong partners in good times and not so good times, contributing to both companies achieving prominent positions in the market”, concluded Castro.

Plants with JA panels

Below are some photovoltaic projects from (re)energisa that used solar panels from JA Solar.

Sistema em Bataguassu, situado no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
System in Bataguassu, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Módulos da JA Solar foram utilizados na planta instalada em Água Clara (MS). Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
JA Solar modules were used in the plant installed in Água Clara (MS). Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Campo Grande 1, em Mato Grosso do Sul, também com painéis da JA Solar. Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
Campo Grande 1, in Mato Grosso do Sul, also with panels from JA Solar. Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Campo Grande 2 e 3, com módulos da JA Solar. Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
Campo Grande 2 and 3, with modules from JA Solar. Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Poconé 1 e 2, em Mato Grosso do Sul. Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
Poconé 1 and 2, in Mato Grosso do Sul. Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Planta em Ponta Porã, município de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foto: Alsol/Divulgação
Plant in Ponta Porã, municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul. Photo: Alsol/Disclosure
Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. The trillion-dollar world of energy transition…..

    Energisa blocking connection budgets of 4k (residential) due to flow reversal, seems like a joke….. I wouldn't justify it as it needs to invest in distribution networks and from 14,300 it will receive the B wire (I even partially agree)

    GD is the largest source of direct and mainly INDIRECT job creation in Brazil, and of course, at BT the holder can keep the amounts saved, for example: invoice of 1,000.00 in 30 years would pay 2,400,000.00 , with UFV you would save more than 80% of this debt, with just a UFV of less than 35,000.00, payable in a measly 60 installments of 800.00 (the value of the invoice paid to UFV) there is no greater amount…..

    I'm not much in favor of GC (UFV and wind farms) money stays in the hands of a few, unlike GD BT which generally stays in the hands of the holder... or he invests to rent it too.....

    Since 482, 2012, GD should have exploded in business, but the lack of information and the loss of trillions of reais in the coffers of many, prevented this disclosure and incentives for GD….

    I hope that with the B wire there to be received by the CSS it will be very well applied in the distribution networks……


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