Reservoirs record the highest water level in the last 14 years, points out ONS

Estimated load increase for SIN in October is 6.2%
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The reservoirs of Brazil's hydroelectric plants are expected to end the dry period in October, with the best mark since 2009, according to an estimate in a report by the ONS (National Electric System Operator).

The Operator also recorded an expected load growth of 6.2% in the power load of the SIN (National Interconnected System) and in all subsystems.

According to the report, the most significant acceleration should be seen in the North region, with 10.6%, followed by the South, with 7.3%, and by the Southeast/Central-West, with 6.2%.

In relation to the Northeast, the acceleration perspective is 3%. The percentages compare the results projected for the end of October 2023, referring to the same period last year.

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“We had a period of strong increase in demand for cargo and the SIN’s response to this growth was positive, with guaranteed service. We are paying attention to the coming months, especially the summer period, where average temperatures are expected to be higher”, says Luiz Carlos Ciocchi, general director of the ONS.

However, the executive emphasizes that even so, the general scenario remains favorable, with reservoirs at good levels. “The perspective is that, when we enter the rainy season, we will be in a much more comfortable situation than in previous years”, concludes Ciocchi.

The index projected for the South is the highest for the month since records in October 2015, when it was 227% from MLT. The North and Northeast regions are expected to reach 59% and 50% on October 31, respectively.

For more information, visit the report in full.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

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