Risen confirmed as India's leading photovoltaic module supplier

Risen has earned its credentials in the diverse and competitive Indian market, achieving energy leadership
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Risen, a Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic products, was confirmed by Bridge to India, a renewable energy market consultancy company, as the main supplier of solar modules in India in 2019, accumulating more than 3.6 GW of installed panels.

“We would like to thank our strategic partners, customers, government agencies, EPC companies and consultants, who gave Risen the opportunity to achieve this magnificent volume of deliveries. Without foresight and perseverance, the Indian solar market would stagnate,” said Bypina Veerraju Chaudary, chief sales and marketing executive at Risen.

According to Pon Sekar, vice president of Risen, the company's objective is to continue participating in India's expansion in the photovoltaic market for many years to come. “Each client has their own unique requirement, and we work closely with each of our valued clients, providing customized solutions that generate solid bottom-line results,” highlighted Ponsekar.

Risen gained its credentials in the diverse and competitive Indian market, achieving leadership in solar energy in 2018. Last year, the company doubled its efforts, expanding its active customer base, with new technological developments and commercial strategy, with the aim of to provide more benefits to consumers

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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