Find out what visitors are looking for at Intersolar South America

Professionals from all parts of the country are present at the largest solar energy event in Latin America
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30-08-23-canal-solar-Saiba o que os visitantes estão buscando na Intersolar South America
The event takes place at Expo Center Norte, in the city of São Paulo (SP). Photo: Canal Solar

The tenth edition of Intersolar South America has attracted professionals from all parts of Brazil looking for networking, information and news about the photovoltaic market, electromobility It is energy storage

O Expected audience is approximately 50 thousand people over the three days of the event and the Solar Channel talked to some of the visitors.

Grazielly Vilmes, an intern at Statkraft Energias Renováveis, is excited about female participation in the sector. “I have found the fair to be very cool, lots of options for stands to visit, the lectures are also very interesting, it has been a very rewarding moment”, he commented. 

“It's the first time I've been to the fair and what I thought was cool was that there were a lot of talks aimed at women. For me as an intern, it is quite interesting to find a booming job market that gives space to women”, she added.

Marcos Miranda, commercial coordinator at LM Energy, from Tocantins, works in the microgeneration market, installing photovoltaic systems for businesses and homes. “I have been working with solar energy since 2017, I am at the fair looking for new opportunities, to see what the market has to offer, especially at a time when the market is going through some challenges. Therefore, it is important to be up to date with the sector”, he reported.

Cecilia B. Araújo, Project Development Manager at Hydro Rein, is looking for partners to support the decarbonization process of aluminum production. “We invest in renewable energy to power our industrial plants. For us to decarbonize our aluminum, we chose to invest in solar and wind energy. We are currently building three large solar projects,” he said.

Público esperado é de 50 mil pessoas nos três dias de feira. Foto: Canal Solar
The expected audience is 50 thousand people over the three days of the fair. Photo: Canal Solar

The owner of the company Engetop Energia Solar from Rio Grande do Sul, Luiz Carlos R. Klein, came to the fair to strengthen relationships. “We came to visit our suppliers, to have greater contact with equipment importers”, he commented.

Plinio Lopes, from Ecosolar, in Alagoas, is looking for new developments. “We came to learn more about energy storage, electric cars, charging stations, hybrid systems, which I think is an alternative to the much talked about flow reversal in Brazil”, he pointed out.

Specialist in breakbulk cargo distribution, Elaine Santos Reis, from the commercial department of GRAN Cargo Transportes, is looking for partnerships with large solar panel distributors operating in the Central-West and North regions. 

“The fair is spectacular, with great opportunities. What caught my attention the most were the stands and the energy of the environment”, he reported.

The commercial analyst at SDE Distribuidora Intelbras, Rodolfo Cavalcante, works in Rio de Janeiro and was surprised by the financing options for photovoltaic systems. “Today at the fair we saw BTG and Santander showing new forms of financing, with different conditions for clean energy projects. For people who work with the end customer, it helps a lot.”

Intersolar South America takes place at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, and runs until next Thursday (31)

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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