Santa Catarina inaugurates two new solar energy plants 

Units feature monofacial photovoltaic modules, string inverters and galvanized fixed structure
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Santa Catarina inaugura duas novas usinas de energia solar
New solar power plants have a generation capacity of 1 MW each. Photo: Jonatã Rocha / Secom

O Government of Santa Catarina, in partnership with Celesc (Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina), inaugurated two new solar power plants in the interior of the state, with investments totaling almost R$ 10 million. 

O opening event of the new plants was attended by governor Jorginho Mello (PL), the president of Celesc, Tarcísio Rosa, as well as directors, deputies and representatives of the Public Ministry, in Lages (SC), last Friday (21).  

In the municipality, the executives inaugurated UFV Lages II, with 1 MW generation capacity of electrical energy and investments carried out in order of R$ 4.66 million for its construction. 

Simultaneously, in a symbolic way, the Campos Novos photovoltaic plant was also inaugurated, with investment of R$ 4.82 million and generation capacity of 1 MW.

Investment made at UFV Lages II was R$ 4.66 million. Photo: Roberto Zacarias/Secom

On site, the State Government and Celesc made an agreement official to study the feasibility of using the energy generated by UFV Lages II in the consumer units of the State Department of Education, allowing schools in the region to start consuming clean energy.

During the event, a agreement between the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina and Celesc for the use of energy generated by UFV of Campos Novos. 

Technical information 

Altogether, the solar power plant Lages II count with 1,830 P-Type monofacial photovoltaic modules half-cell 660 Wp, in addition to four 250 kW inverters is galvanized fixed structure. 

You solar panels are manufactured by the company TW Solar, while the inverters are from the company Livoltek, with string inverter technology. 

Already the UFV Campos Novos also has a galvanized fixed structure, with 2,240 550 Wp photovoltaic modules It is eight inverters reverse string of 125 kW. 

You photovoltaic panels are manufactured by the company Solar Seraphim, with Mono PERC technology. Already the inverters are manufactured by the company Canadian Solar.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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