São Paulo is the first state to exceed 4 GW in solar DG

State has quadrupled installed capacity in photovoltaic plants since December 2021
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São Paulo é o primeiro estado a ultrapassar 4 GW em GD solar
State has accumulated around 3 GW since December 2021. Photo: Sharles Andrade

Last week, the state of São Paulo became the first state from Brazil to to surpass the symbolic mark of 4 GW in DG (distributed generation) of the solar source. The data are from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), ascertained by Canal Solar.

Today the state has more than 419 thousand photovoltaic systems which supply 496 thousand UCs (consumer units). Furthermore, all 645 municipalities of the state have, at least, an installed system.

Among the 4 GW, the main consumer class in São Paulo is the residential, which has more than 2.1 GW in installed capacity. They close the top 3 commercial grade, with 1.2 GW, and the rural, with 0.36 GW.

São Paulo reached the symbolic mark of 1 GW names of December 2021, being – at the time – the second state in the country to reach this mark. At the moment, 10 states of the federation have at least 1 GW in GD, in the month of April.

Recent years have seen considerable growth in installed capacity in the state. Both in 2022 and 2023, São Paulo accumulated more than 1 GW in new systems. There were, respectively, 1.19 GW and 1.23 GW added in installed capacity in these years.

This year, at the time of this publication, around 0.42 GW of power has been added. The cities with the largest installed capacity are currently: São Paulo (127 MW), Ribeirão Preto (108 MW), São José do Rio Preto (96 MW), Campinas (93 MW) and Presidente Prudente (73 MW).

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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