São Paulo seeks innovative solutions to deal with blackouts

Hybrid inverters emerge as a promising solution in this blackout context
3 minute(s) of reading
Energia solar Canal Solar Energia solar São Paulo procura soluções inovadoras para lidar com apagões
Image: Freepik

During the months of November and January, the city of São Paulo faced a series of blackouts that affected thousands of people and businesses throughout the metropolitan region.

These events highlighted the importance of reliable solutions to ensure energy supply in emergency situations, and solar energy emerges as a promising option in this context.

Conventional solar energy systems connected to the grid are efficient by injecting energy directly into the grid, however, during blackouts, these systems do not guarantee energy supply, as they go into protection mode and stop feeding the grid, which results in in the lack of electricity for consumers.

One solution to optimize the efficiency and reliability of solar energy systems is hybrid inverters. These inverters have the ability to store energy in batteries, allowing the energy generated by solar panels to be stored for later use.

This capacity reduces dependence on the electrical grid and contributes to the stability of the energy supply, ensuring continuous electricity even in the event of blackouts.

Furthermore, solar energy can significantly contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change. By utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar, cities can reduce their carbon footprint and work towards sustainability goals.

SolaX Power is one of the leading companies in the hybrid inverter and battery market. Its products have advanced technology and are capable of storing large amounts of solar energy for later use.

SolaX's line of hybrid inverters includes models from 3 kW to 30 kW, which can be installed to provide modular battery storage for residential, rural and commercial applications.

Furthermore, the company offers high voltage lithium batteries, with the Triple Power Battery line, which can be used in conjunction with its hybrid inverters.

The growing demand for reliable energy has driven the development of innovative technologies in the solar energy sector.

With investments in research and development, it is expected that these technologies will become even more efficient and affordable, contributing to access to energy in a safe, sustainable and resilient way.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

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