Solar sector needs to mobilize against fake news, says Lafayette

Deputy says that speeches that disregard the benefits of solar DG affect the future of the segment
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Setor de energia solar precisa se mobilizar contra fake news, afirma Lafayette
Lafayette de Andrada, federal deputy for the Republicans/MG. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

You professionals of the sector solar energy need to mobilize for prevent with what distorted narratives negatively impact the future of the photovoltaic distributed micro and minigeneration in Brazil.

A affirmation was made by federal deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicans/MG), in webinar promoted by Solar Channel on Tuesday night (20). “Unfortunately, there are many fake news being spread,” he said. 

According to the parliamentarian, as the electricity sector regulation it is a very complex subject and that few people have the capacity to understand it, unfavorable narratives micro and minigeneration in Brazil have been worked on so that the population and a large part of the deputies remain in doubt regarding the benefits provided by the segment. 

One of the most recent examples of this occurred this week, with the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) forwarding a letter to MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) asking that the use of solar energy systems in the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program be vetoed by the Federal Government.

A Agency defended the distributors’ speech that the implementation of energy systems in the housing program will increase Brazilians' electricity bills by more than R$ 1 billion.

A affirmation of ANEEL regarding this cost, even without the public presentation of the calculations carried out, was widely publicized by major media outlets throughout yesterday, suggesting that the inclusion of solar energy in the program could be a bad thing. 

Another topic that has been discussed and which directly reflects on the micro and minigeneration segment is the processing of PL 1292/2023, authored by Congressman Lafayette.

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According to the parliamentarian, the proposal has been criticized due to lack of understanding of various actors in the electricity sector, resulting in misinformation to the population.

“I've seen several articles on major news portals saying that PL 1292 will impact consumers by I don't know how many billions of reais, when, in fact, what we are asking for is exactly that Law 14,300 be implemented in its entirety”, he said. 

According to the deputy, in addition to impacting the population, all negative narratives about the solar energy sector directly impact the day-to-day lives of deputies, who – even though they are in favor of the growth of the source in the country – are afraid to approve certain agendas in the sector. 

“I recently met with two or three deputies who told me exactly that: Lafayette, I am very much in favor of solar energy, but they told me that your project will harm the consumer”, he revealed. 

How can the solar sector mobilize?

According to Lafayette, two paths must always be taken. One of them involves associations in the solar sector, together with him and other deputies in favor of the growth of the source, to continue carrying out awareness work with the other parliamentarians in the House. 

The other path involves professionals in the sector trying to get in touch with their known representatives and appealing to them to defend the sector's agenda together with their leaders.

“In general, the parliamentarians who make up the Chamber of Deputies are very supportive of solar energy and other clean sources. The problem is the sources of rejection, which, with their narratives, end up creating a certain terror (within the House)”, highlighted Lafayette.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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