Sicredi issues US$ 100 million Green Bond to finance renewable energy projects

Resources will be 100% destined for new photovoltaic projects and energy efficiency
Sicredi emite Green Bond de US$ 100 mi para financiar projetos de energia renovável
Unprecedented operation: this is the 1st issue of a subordinated Green Bond by a Brazilian issuer acquired by IDB Invest. Photo: Sicredi/Disclosure

O Sicredi carried out its first issuance of Green Bonds – debt securities issued specifically to finance projects with environmental benefits – abroad. 

The issuance made with IDB Invest, a member of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), was worth USD 100 million (around R$ 550 million), with 100% of the resources allocated to financing new photovoltaic energy and energy efficiency projects, which will be available from the end of January.

This is the first issue of a subordinated Green Bond by a Brazilian issuer acquired by IDB Invest. The operation is certified by the Norwegian consultancy CICERO Shades of Green, specialized in “green bonds”, and has specific criteria for selecting projects to be financed. 

According to the consultancy, considering criteria such as governance and transparency, the operation fits the “Dark Green Shading” score. The methodology expresses how much a green bond contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases and considers three scoring levels: light green, medium green and dark green.

“We have observed an increasingly conscious society, focusing on sustainable initiatives and, consequently, contributing to the consolidation of a more circular economy. One of the fronts on which our cooperatives act in a relevant way is in financing the implementation of systems for the use of renewable energy, which is in line with the global movement to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, in which Sicredi has been involved for some years”, says César Bochi, executive director of Administration at Sicredi.

“With this, we provide our associates with resources to develop sustainable projects, with a positive economic, social and environmental impact, generating value for the business and strengthening Sicredi’s long-term partnership with the communities where we are present”, he adds.

The initiative also contributes to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), to which Sicredi is committed as a member of the UN Global Compact (United Nations). In the operation, objectives 7, 9 and 13 are being met, which deal, respectively, with affordable and clean energy; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Action against global climate change.

Sicredi's credit portfolio for financing projects for the use of solar energy in Brazil totaled R$ 4.5 billion at the end of 2021, an increase of 93 % compared to the same period in 2020. Of the balance reached, R$ 2.4 billion were allocated to corporate members (Legal Entities), R$ 1.1 billion for individuals (Individuals) and R$ 940 million for rural members (family farming, medium and large producers). In the last 12 months alone, the volume of credit granted by the institution for this purpose in the country exceeded the R$ 2.5 billion mark.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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