Solar reaches 26 GW and exceeds R$ 128.5 billion in investments

Since 2012, the sector has generated more than 783.7 thousand jobs and avoided the emission of 34.5 million tons of CO2
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08-03-23-canal-solar-Solar atinge 26 GW e ultrapassa R$ 128,5 bi em investimentos
Since July last year, the solar source has grown, on average, 1 GW per month. Photo: Freepik

According to ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), the Brazil surpassed the 26 GW mark of installed power from photovoltaic sources, adding large-scale plants and self-generating electrical energy systems on roofs, facades and small plots of land, the equivalent of 11.6 % from the country's electrical matrix.

Since 2012, solar has brought to Brazil around R$ 128.5 billion in new investments, more of R$ 39.4 billion in revenue from public coffers and generated more than 783.7 thousand jobs accumulated. With this, also avoided the emission of 34.5 million tons of CO2 at electricity generation.

In the view of Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR, the accelerated growth of solar energy is a global trend. “Brazil has one of the best solar resources on the planet, which opens up a huge possibility for the production of the cheapest H2V (green hydrogen) in the world and the development of new synergistic technologies, such as energy storage and electric vehicles.”

“According to a study by Mckinsey consultancy, Brazil could have an entire new electrical matrix by 2040 dedicated to the production of H2V. To this end, the country should receive around US$ 200 billion in investments during the period, such as electricity generation, transmission lines, fuel manufacturing units and associated structures, including port terminals, pipelines, storage”, added Koloszuk.

For Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR, the growth of photovoltaic technology strengthens the sustainability and competitiveness of productive sectors, in addition to benefiting all Brazilian consumers, factors that are increasingly important for the national economy and for fulfilling the environmental commitments assumed by the country .

A mapping carried out by the entity showed that in one year solar grew by approximately 83%, jumping from 14.2 GW to 26 GW. Since July last year, the source has grown, on average, 1 GW per month (July: 16.4 GW, August: 17.5 GW, September: 18.6 GW, October: 21.1 GW, November: 22 GW, December: 23 GW, January: 24 GW, February 2023: 25 GW and March this year: 26 GW).

In the own energy generation segment, there are 18.1 GW of installed power from solar sources. This equates to around R$ 92.1 billion in investments, R$ 27.4 billion in revenue and more than 540 thousand jobs accumulated since 2012. The technology is currently used in 99.9 % of all self-generation connections in the country, leading the segment.

Brazil has around 7.9 GW of installed power in large solar plants. Since 2012, large plants have brought around R$ 37 billion in new contributions and accumulated more than 238.2 thousand jobs, in addition to providing revenue to the public coffers that exceeds R$ 12 billion.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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